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Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Abilities for the Spider skill.

Icon Level Name Description Special Damage Stats Gear Required
icon_3030.png  0 Insidious Illusion Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone. Take a humanoid shape for 90 seconds.
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 100
Range: 4
Cooldown: 3600
icon_3030.png  0 Insidious Illusion 2 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone. Take a humanoid shape for 150 seconds.
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 100
Range: 4
Cooldown: 3600
icon_3030.png  0 Insidious Illusion 3 Briefly fool shopkeepers and villagers into perceiving you as a typical humanoid. Consumes 1 Moonstone. Take a humanoid shape for 210 seconds.
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 100
Range: 4
Cooldown: 3600
icon_3017.png  1 Spider Bite Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +10 Power)
Damage: 7 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3401.png  3 Inject Venom Inject poison into your enemy.
This is a Core Attack.
Deals 20 additional poison damage over 20 seconds Damage: 17 Poison Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 9
icon_3442.png  6 Infinite Legs Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 10 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +3 damage Damage: 17 Crushing Power Cost: 9
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3042.png  8 Gripjaw Lock your jaws onto your enemy, stunning them briefly.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 24 Crushing Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3252.png  9 Incubate Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
This is a Nice Attack.
Your egg incubates for 15 seconds. Damage: 20 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
icon_3017.png  10 Spider Bite 2 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +12 Power)
Damage: 13 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3557.png  13 Web Trap Lay a sticky web that immobilizes the first enemy that enters it. Power Cost: 17
Range: 4
Cooldown: 30
icon_3254.png  15 Grappling Web Fling poisonous web at a distant enemy and reel them to you. Target is pulled toward you. Target is taunted +25 Damage: 21 Poison
Taunt: +25
Power Cost: 10
Range: 30
Cooldown: 20
icon_3442.png  16 Infinite Legs 2 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 10 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +5 damage Damage: 30 Crushing Power Cost: 12
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3555.png  18 Premeditated Doom Carefully prepare your next attack so that it deals tremendous damage. Your next attack deals +50 damage Power Cost: 23
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Channel Time: 3
icon_3017.png  20 Spider Bite 3 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +14 Power)
Damage: 17 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3032.png  23 Terrifying Bite Bite your enemy and attempt to send them fleeing in terror. Chances of success are based on your Spider skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target has a chance to flee for 5 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 31 Crushing Power Cost: 12
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
icon_3251.png  24 Spit Acid Spit armor-melting acid at a distant target. Deals 40 acid damage to armor over 9 seconds Damage: 46 Acid
Damage Armor: 35 Acid
Power Cost: 26
Range: 30
Cooldown: 12
icon_3042.png  25 Gripjaw 2 Lock your jaws onto your enemy, stunning them briefly.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 50 Crushing Power Cost: 26
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3442.png  26 Infinite Legs 3 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 12 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +7 damage Damage: 45 Crushing Power Cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3401.png  28 Inject Venom 2 Inject poison into your enemy.
This is a Core Attack.
Deals 48 additional poison damage over 20 seconds Damage: 78 Poison Power Cost: 32
Range: 5
Cooldown: 9
icon_3252.png  29 Incubate 2 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
This is a Nice Attack.
Your egg incubates for 15 seconds. Damage: 25 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
icon_3017.png  30 Spider Bite 4 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +16 Power)
Damage: 25 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3555.png  34 Premeditated Doom 2 Carefully prepare your next attack so that it deals tremendous damage. Your next attack deals +100 damage Power Cost: 31
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Channel Time: 3
icon_3251.png  34 Spit Acid 2 Spit armor-melting acid at a distant target. Deals 75 acid damage to armor over 9 seconds Damage: 71 Acid
Damage Armor: 52 Acid
Power Cost: 31
Range: 30
Cooldown: 12
icon_3254.png  35 Grappling Web 2 Fling poisonous web at a distant enemy and reel them to you. Target is pulled toward you. Target is taunted +50 Damage: 53 Poison
Taunt: +50
Power Cost: 15
Range: 30
Cooldown: 20
icon_3442.png  36 Infinite Legs 4 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 12 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +9 damage Damage: 65 Crushing Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3032.png  37 Terrifying Bite 2 Bite your enemy and attempt to send them fleeing in terror. Chances of success are based on your Spider skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target has a chance to flee for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 58 Crushing Power Cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
icon_3017.png  40 Spider Bite 5 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +18 Power)
Damage: 37 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3401.png  43 Inject Venom 3 Inject poison into your enemy.
This is a Core Attack.
Deals 80 additional poison damage over 20 seconds Damage: 147 Poison Power Cost: 39
Range: 5
Cooldown: 9
icon_3254.png  44 Grappling Web 3 Fling poisonous web at a distant enemy and reel them to you. Target is pulled toward you. Target is taunted +75 Damage: 79 Poison
Taunt: +75
Power Cost: 16
Range: 30
Cooldown: 20
icon_3251.png  44 Spit Acid 3 Spit armor-melting acid at a distant target. Deals 125 acid damage to armor over 9 seconds Damage: 111 Acid
Damage Armor: 70 Acid
Power Cost: 34
Range: 30
Cooldown: 12
icon_3042.png  45 Gripjaw 3 Lock your jaws onto your enemy, stunning them briefly.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 117 Crushing Power Cost: 34
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3442.png  46 Infinite Legs 5 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 15 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +12 damage Damage: 102 Crushing Power Cost: 19
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3555.png  48 Premeditated Doom 3 Carefully prepare your next attack so that it deals tremendous damage. Your next attack deals +150 damage Power Cost: 35
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Channel Time: 3
icon_3252.png  49 Incubate 3 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
This is a Nice Attack.
Your egg incubates for 15 seconds. Damage: 30 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
icon_3032.png  49 Terrifying Bite 3 Bite your enemy and attempt to send them fleeing in terror. Chances of success are based on your Spider skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target has a chance to flee for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 99 Crushing Power Cost: 16
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
icon_3017.png  50 Spider Bite 6 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +20 Power)
Damage: 58 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3557.png  53 Web Trap 2 Lay a sticky web that immobilizes the first enemy that enters it. Power Cost: 0
Range: 4
Cooldown: 25
icon_3251.png  54 Spit Acid 4 Spit armor-melting acid at a distant target. Deals 250 acid damage to armor over 9 seconds Damage: 164 Acid
Damage Armor: 90 Acid
Power Cost: 36
Range: 30
Cooldown: 12
icon_3401.png  55 Inject Venom 4 Inject poison into your enemy.
This is a Core Attack.
Deals 120 additional poison damage over 20 seconds Damage: 237 Poison Power Cost: 42
Range: 5
Cooldown: 9
icon_3032.png  55 Terrifying Bite 4 Bite your enemy and attempt to send them fleeing in terror. Chances of success are based on your Spider skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target has a chance to flee for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 122 Crushing Power Cost: 17
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
icon_3442.png  56 Infinite Legs 6 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 15 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +18 damage Damage: 146 Crushing Power Cost: 21
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3254.png  57 Grappling Web 4 Fling poisonous web at a distant enemy and reel them to you. Target is pulled toward you. Target is taunted +100 Damage: 129 Poison
Taunt: +100
Power Cost: 17
Range: 30
Cooldown: 20
icon_3252.png  57 Incubate 4 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
This is a Nice Attack.
Your egg incubates for 15 seconds. Damage: 30 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
icon_3042.png  59 Gripjaw 4 Lock your jaws onto your enemy, stunning them briefly.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 190 Crushing Power Cost: 37
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3555.png  60 Premeditated Doom 4 Carefully prepare your next attack so that it deals tremendous damage. Your next attack deals +200 damage Power Cost: 38
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Channel Time: 3
icon_3017.png  60 Spider Bite 7 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +22 Power)
Damage: 79 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2
icon_3255.png  60 Webspin Spin a bundle of webbing, useful for crafting. Create one Spiderweb
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 30
Range: 4
Cooldown: 900
Channel Time: 3
icon_3251.png  64 Spit Acid 5 Spit armor-melting acid at a distant target. Deals 400 acid damage to armor over 9 seconds Damage: 216 Acid
Damage Armor: 90 Acid
Power Cost: 39
Range: 30
Cooldown: 12
icon_3032.png  65 Terrifying Bite 5 Bite your enemy and attempt to send them fleeing in terror. Chances of success are based on your Spider skill and the enemy's mental proficiency. Target has a chance to flee for 8 seconds
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 159 Crushing Power Cost: 18
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
icon_3442.png  66 Infinite Legs 7 Kick an enemy with some of your many legs. For 18 seconds, additional Infinite Legs attacks deal +25 damage Damage: 190 Crushing Power Cost: 22
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
icon_3252.png  67 Incubate 5 Inject a spider egg into the target. If they live long enough, a spider will erupt from them.
This is a Nice Attack.
Your egg incubates for 15 seconds. Damage: 30 Piercing Power Cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
icon_3401.png  67 Inject Venom 5 Inject poison into your enemy.
This is a Core Attack.
Deals 160 additional poison damage over 20 seconds Damage: 324 Poison Power Cost: 46
Range: 5
Cooldown: 9
icon_3042.png  69 Gripjaw 5 Lock your jaws onto your enemy, stunning them briefly.
This is a Signature Debuff ability.
Stuns opponent
Suppresses Monster Shout
Damage: 244 Crushing Power Cost: 40
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
icon_3254.png  70 Grappling Web 5 Fling poisonous web at a distant enemy and reel them to you. Target is pulled toward you. Target is taunted +300 Damage: 179 Poison
Taunt: +300
Power Cost: 19
Range: 30
Cooldown: 20
icon_3555.png  70 Premeditated Doom 5 Carefully prepare your next attack so that it deals tremendous damage. Your next attack deals +300 damage Power Cost: 40
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Channel Time: 3
icon_3017.png  70 Spider Bite 8 Bite your enemy.
This is a Basic Attack. (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +24 Power)
Damage: 100 Crushing Power Cost: 0
Range: 5
Cooldown: 2