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Revision as of 14:35, 8 January 2015 by Testsubject118 (talk | contribs) (Abilities)

(please contribute the skill panel ingame description of the skill)

Druid skill is currently in testing. It is available from a pedestal in one corner of the island.


Ability Name Description Level
Heart Thorn Plant a seed in the target that leaves them weakened. 01
Brambleskin Coat yourself in painful thorns. Melee attackers take damage when they hit you. 03
Rotskin Deplete the targets defenses, rotting them from within. 05
Cosmic Strike Demand that nature smite your foe. 07
Delerium Poisons the target's mind, sapping their focus. 09
Regrowth 10
Heart Thorn 2 Plant a seed in the target that leaves them weakened. 11
Healing Sanctuary 12
Brambleskin 2 13


Ability Name Learn from Description Misc. Notes
Fill With Bile 1-4 Silvia
Enervate 1-3 Silvia
Cloud Natural Senses 1-3 Silvia
Toxinball 1-6 Silvia


Lucky Belts of the Woodland Warrior attune the random-generated treasure to this skill.