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Canine Anatomy/Level Up Rewards

Revision as of 21:43, 19 January 2020 by ExtraBot (talk | contribs) (Automatically generated. If there's an issue, please message Extractum11 on Discord - Subglacious#0413)
Level Reward
1 +1 to Anatomy
Basic Combat Info Shown
5 More Combat Info Shown
6 Butchering yields extra bones: +2%
7 Skinning yields exotic items: +2%
8 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1%
9 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3%
10 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1%
12 Butchering yields extra bones: +2% (total 4%)
14 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 4%)
15 +1 to Anatomy
16 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 2%)
18 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 6%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 6%)
20 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 2%)
21 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 6%)
24 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 3%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 8%)
25 +1 to Anatomy
27 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 9%)
28 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 8%)
30 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 3%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 10%)
32 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 4%)
35 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 10%)
36 Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 12%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 12%)
40 Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 4%)
Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%)
42 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 12%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 14%)
45 +1 to Anatomy
Butchery yields rare meat or organs: +3% (total 15%)
48 Archery/Crossbow chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%)
Butchery yields extra bones: +2% (total 16%)
49 Skinning yields exotic items: +2% (total 14%)
50 +1 to Anatomy
Skinning yields a trophy skin: +1% (total 5%)