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First Aid/Recipes

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Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the First Aid skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description Source
40 Amazing First Aid Kit (Combo Method) 200 20 icon_5060.png  Good First Aid Kit x1
icon_5060.png  Expert's First Aid Kit x1
icon_5060.png  Amazing First Aid Kit x1 Combine the best of two lesser kits to create a really great first aid kit. Training: Yagreet
50 Astounding First Aid Kit (Combo Method) 250 25 icon_5060.png  Expert's First Aid Kit x1
icon_5060.png  Master First Aid Kit x1
icon_5060.png  Astounding First Aid Kit x1 Combine the best of two lesser kits to create a really great first aid kit. Training: Mox Warcut