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Povus Safety: Ranalon Flooding

Revision as of 16:01, 28 September 2021 by Alleryn (talk | contribs)
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The Annex district, along with the whole area south of town, is being flooded by Ranalon interlopers! Destroy their water portals and push back their assault force!

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally defeat at least one enemy.)

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally help defeat at least one enemy.)

This Quest can be repeated after 0 days.

This quest is only available at night.


The Annex district, along with the whole area south of town, is being flooded by Ranalon interlopers! Destroy their water portals and push back their assault force!

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally defeat at least one enemy.)

(To receive a reward, make sure that you personally help defeat at least one enemy.)


  • Destroy the portals x5
  • Defeat Ranalon Invaders x50
  • (Personally defeat an enemy)



The flooding is contained! Visit the Town Status Board for a reward.