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Prop Gems


Barnaby in the Sacred Warden Grotto said, "Young foxes love colorful gems! I could use a selection of nice colors to use as teaching props."


To start this quest, talk to Barnaby in the Sacred Grotto. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor. You must have previously completed Fox Sewing Lessons in order to undertake this quest.


Young foxes love colorful gems! I could use a selection of nice colors to use as teaching props.


  • Obtain Onyx x3
  • Obtain Carnelians x3
  • Obtain Tourmalines x3
  • Obtain Topazes x3
  • Talk to Barnaby



You've found a good selection of gems! I hope they aren't valuable... ? Because they'll inevitably be lost all through this cave in a week! But they'll be very useful in the mean time. Thank you!