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Event: Tealight Tree-Topper

74 bytes added, 02:27, 9 January 2023
[[Rick Snapley ]] in [[New Prestonbule ]] said, "A Ri-Shin tree needs a topper, something that glows. But I don't wanna use one of those glowing yellow crystals... I know Sona says she can make 'em safe, but it's too dangerous.
Let's just... I dunno, let's just stick some candles on top, like my family used to do. But we'll need to light 'em every night... got any spare tealights?"
This [[Winter Holiday|Ri-Shin Winter Celebration]] Quest can be repeated after 91 days.
To start this quest, talk to '''[[Rick Snapley]]''' in '''[[Gazluk CavesNew Prestonbule Cave]]'''.
* Obtain Tealights {{Item|Tealight}} x3* Talk to [[Rick Snapley]]