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82 bytes added, 22:26, 3 June 2022
[[Cassie]] is initially untrusting of other animals. Every 24 hours, speaking to [[Cassie]] will result in +10 favor. Another way to gain favor with Cassie is to leave quantities raw meat in the Warden storage chest, which she and the other foxes and [[Pickles]] will eat at random intervals, leaving gnawed bone piles behind. If she consumes your meat, you will see a favor increase next time you speak with her and she'll thank you for leaving it for her. The foxes and Pickles generally prefer quality meats over cheap.
[[Cassie ]] appears to prefer venison above all other meats. Note that it is not possible to gift meat directly to [[Cassie]] or [[Rubi]].
Speaking to [[Cassie]] as a [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]] will result in -100 favor.