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Lycanthropy/Treasure Effects:By Slot

6,082 bytes added, 18:59, 19 June 2016
Automatically updated. If something is messed up, please message Extractum11 on the forums or in-game
<!-- Updated as of patch v259, June 19, 2016 -->
==<!--a-->Lycanthropy Slot List==
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* After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +65% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked<br>
* Claw attacks remove 70 Rage<br>
* Double Claw has a 66% chance to deal +50% damage and restore 15 Health to you<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +92 Armor damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +115% damage<br>
* See Red grants you 15% melee evasion<br>
* See Red restores 38 Power<br>
* Shadow Feint boosts your In-Combat Armor Regeneration +38 for 20 seconds<br>
* Smell Fear deals +46% damage and taunts -360<br>
* Werewolf Base Damage +35%<br>

* After using Shadow Feint, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +24% for 30 seconds or until you are attacked<br>
* Beast Metabolism Health Regen +12<br>
* Claw attacks have a 50% chance to deal +28 damage<br>
* Double Claw deals +68 damage<br>
* Pack Attack has a 66% chance to deal +130% damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 180 trauma damage 15 seconds after use<br>
* Werewolf Bite deals +105 armor damage<br>
* Werewolf Bite deals +97% damage<br>
* Werewolf Claw deals +15 damage<br>
* Werewolf Claw heals you for 12 health<br>

* After using Shadow Feint, your Sprint Speed increases +3 for 15 seconds and your next attack deals +120 damage<br>
* Claw attacks remove 70 Rage<br>
* Double Claw deals +37% damage and restores 5 Power to you<br>
* Double Claw deals +55 armor damage<br>
* Double Claw has a 33% chance to boost your Lycanthropy Base Damage +32% for 4 seconds<br>
* Pack Attack deals +86% damage<br>
* Pack Attack has a 66% chance to deal +130% damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +84 damage<br>
* Smell Fear deals +43% damage and further reduces Rage by 120<br>
* Smell Fear deals +88% damage<br>
* Werewolf Bite attacks have a 50% chance to deal 190 extra damage<br>
* Werewolf Bite attacks heal you for 31 health<br>

* Claw attacks have a 50% chance to deal +28 damage<br>
* Combo: Bite+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Smell Fear: final step heals you for 90 health.<br>
* Combo: Pouncing Rake+Any Melee+Any Melee+Double Claw: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +45 damage.<br>
* Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +60 damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +105% damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help<br>
* See Red grants you 15% melee evasion<br>
* See Red restores 76 Armor<br>
* Shadow Feint heals 52 health and 52 armor when you teleport<br>
* Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 32% and reduces the Rage your attacks generate by 12%<br>
* Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +20% damage<br>

* After using Shadow Feint, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +24% for 30 seconds or until you are attacked<br>
* Combo: Bite+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Smell Fear: final step heals you for 90 health.<br>
* Combo: Pouncing Rake+Any Melee+Bite: final step ignites the target, dealing 90 damage over 15 seconds.<br>
* Combo: See Red+Any Melee+Any Melee+Pack Attack: final step hits all enemies within 7 meters and deals +30% damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +10% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds<br>
* Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 180 trauma damage 15 seconds after use<br>
* See Red heals you for 60 health<br>
* Shadow Feint heals 52 health and 52 armor when you teleport<br>
* Smell Fear has a 66% chance to deal +50% damage and further reduce Rage by 217<br>
* Werewolf Claw deals +15 damage<br>

* After using Shadow Feint, your Sprint Speed increases +3 for 15 seconds and your next attack deals +120 damage<br>
* Combo: See Red+Any Melee+Any Melee+Pack Attack: final step hits all enemies within 7 meters and deals +30% damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +93% health and armor damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +115% damage<br>
* See Red restores 76 Armor<br>
* Smell Fear has a 66% chance to deal +50% damage and further reduce Rage by 217<br>
* Werewolf Bite deals +105 armor damage<br>
* Werewolf Bite deals +97% damage<br>

* After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +65% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked<br>
* Combo: Double Claw+Any Melee+Any Melee+Smell Fear: final step deals +120 damage.<br>
* Double Claw deals +68 damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +92 Armor damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake has a 65% chance to deal +141% health and armor damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +96 trauma damage over 8 seconds<br>
* See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +150<br>
* See Red restores 38 Power<br>
* Smell Fear deals +43% damage and further reduces Rage by 120<br>
* Smell Fear deals +88% damage<br>

* Combo: Double Claw+Any Melee+Any Melee+Smell Fear: final step deals +120 damage.<br>
* Double Claw has a 33% chance to boost your Lycanthropy Base Damage +32% for 4 seconds<br>
* Double Claw has a 66% chance to deal +50% damage and restore 15 Health to you<br>
* Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +60 damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake has a 65% chance to deal +141% health and armor damage<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +105% damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help<br>
* Sanguine Fangs deals +96 trauma damage over 8 seconds<br>
* See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +150<br>
* Werewolf Base Damage +35%<br>
* Werewolf Bite attacks heal you for 31 health<br>

* Beast Metabolism Health Regen +12<br>
* Double Claw deals +55 armor damage<br>
* Pack Attack deals +86% damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +84 damage<br>
* Pouncing Rake deals +93% health and armor damage<br>
* See Red heals you for 60 health<br>
* Shadow Feint boosts your In-Combat Armor Regeneration +38 for 20 seconds<br>
* Smell Fear deals +46% damage and taunts -360<br>
* Werewolf Bite attacks have a 50% chance to deal 190 extra damage<br>
* Werewolf Claw heals you for 12 health<br>
