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Council Lands

510 bytes added, 21:04, 19 January 2015
Religion: Added four new gods.
:- [[Tok of the Eighth Pod]] suggests that the deities are simply nature spirits.
:- [[The Gods, vol XIV]] Confirms this theory, when Councilwoman Irasce notes that Dale Renthian is a "Class 3 nature spirit."
{| class="sortable wikitable"
| Talerra|| God of Depression and Knowing the Truth || ???
| Dale Renthian|| God of Inspiration || Wanders around drinking and giving ideas.
| Tast|| ??? || ???
| Gulagra|| ??? || ???
| Elshana||Elven goddess of creative beauty || Deceased
A depiction of Talerra, the spectral God of Depression and Knowing the Truth. Her ghostly arm beckons as if she has some bad news to deliver. This painting seems supernaturally resilient, and it has probably been blessed by one of Talerra's few monk-priests. However, it's way too creepy to display in a home.
:- Dale Renthian is a Class 3 Nature spirit discussed at length in [[The Gods, vol XIV]].
:- At some point in the past, there was a war between gods. <ref> From [[The Gods, vol XIV]].</ref>