Creating page
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Scorpiclaw Gauntlets
|skillreqs = Endurance 55<br>
|description = Made of immaculately-carved pieces of giant insect carapace, these are a work of mechanical art. Heavy and prone to painful pinching, they are tolerable only to hardened warriors.
|basemods = You reflect 4% of any physical attack damage (Slashing, Piercing, or Crushing) back at the attacker.<br>{MAX_ARMOR}{88}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA}{12}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_ARMOR_DELTA}{12}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA}{12}
|value = 195
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| craftpoints = 100
| equipslot = Hands
| stack = 1
| dye = 1:{{Color sample|#666666}}2:{{Color sample|#999999}}3:{{Color sample|#666666}}
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Equipment}}{{KW|Hands}}</p><p>{{KW|Loot}}{{KW|NotDyeable}}{{KW|OrganicArmor}}{{KW|OrganicGloves}}</p>
=== How to Obtain ===
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Scorpiclaw Gauntlets
|skillreqs = Endurance 55<br>
|description = Made of immaculately-carved pieces of giant insect carapace, these are a work of mechanical art. Heavy and prone to painful pinching, they are tolerable only to hardened warriors.
|basemods = You reflect 4% of any physical attack damage (Slashing, Piercing, or Crushing) back at the attacker.<br>{MAX_ARMOR}{88}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA}{12}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_ARMOR_DELTA}{12}<br>{COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA}{12}
|value = 195
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| craftpoints = 100
| equipslot = Hands
| stack = 1
| dye = 1:{{Color sample|#666666}}2:{{Color sample|#999999}}3:{{Color sample|#666666}}
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Equipment}}{{KW|Hands}}</p><p>{{KW|Loot}}{{KW|NotDyeable}}{{KW|OrganicArmor}}{{KW|OrganicGloves}}</p>
=== How to Obtain ===
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===