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1 byte added, 07:52, 17 September 2020
**** TODO (hopefully by 9/23) Some work orders being placed in Quest Fulfillment table instead of Work Order section (happens when the work order is for an item with a given keyword instead of a specific item, e.g. the Lead Figurine work order. In addition to displaying incorrectly, this generates broken links. See, e.g. [[Lead_Figurine_of_an_Ogre#Quest_Fulfillment]].)
**** TODO (hopefully by 9/23) Recipes that don't behave deterministically, such as those that produce Surveying and Treasure Cartography maps, as well as those that generate any enchanted item, do not display properly or at all (the result item is missing).
**** TODO (hopefully by 9/23) Recipes for the keyword Crystal are numerous and clog the readability of some recipe outputs (notably those for [[Vervadium]], [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]], and [[Winterprize]]). Separate these out.
**** Some additional info could possibly be generated:
***** Notes about unobtainable (Lint_NotObtainable) items, to avoid confusion (although this info is already present in the item infobox)