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Template:NPC infobox

1,034 bytes added, 18:22, 22 October 2015
OK !! all finished and ready to be slapped onto NPC pages now
| style= "width:250px;" colspan="2" align="center" | {{{image|[[Image:{{PAGENAME}}.jpg{{pipe}}250px{{pipe}}]]}}} <br><div style="font-size:14px;">{{{caption|}}}</div>
|- valign="top"
! style="background:#eee; width:100px;" align="center" | Zone:
| {{{zone|-}}}
:Optional. Usually the description above the NPCs head.
:OptionalRequired, will remain blank on page. The zone where the NPC can be found.
:OptionalRequired, will remain blank on page. Specifically where the NPC is located in a Zone. See below for example use.
:Optional. Animals that the NPC will talk to, if any.
The typical usage is to use this in a new article, save, and THEN upload the image by clicking the image link (which then is pre-set with the article name)
If an image already exists which name does not match the article name, or in a different format (png), specify it.
If the image is to largelarger/small you smaller the box will expand/shrink to fit it, have to specify that what size you want it to appear(see below) keep in mind that the image 200pxtext will only be 250px in lengh.
Don't mind that the Titles are wrong, the title takes the name of the page it is created on.
Here you can see examples of what Velkort's, Mushroom Jack's, and Sanja's templates '''could''' look like, notice that while velkort's image is clipped to 250px Mushroom Jack and Sanja are not.
{{NPC infobox
|title = Velkort
|image = [[File:Velkort.jpg|200250px]]
|caption = Velkort and the Sentient Flame
|zone = [[Serbule]]
{{NPC infobox
|title = Velkort
|image = [[File:Velkort.jpg|200px250px]]
|caption = Velkort and the Sentient Flame
|zone = [[Serbule]]
{{NPC infobox
|title = Mushroom Jack
|image = [[File:Mushroom_Jack.jpg|200px]]
|caption = He smells kind of funny.
|zone = [[Serbule]]
{{NPC infobox
|title = Mushroom Jack
|image = [[File:Mushroom_Jack.jpg|200px]]
|caption = He smells kind of funny.
|zone = [[Serbule]]
|vendor = Vendor
|beastspeak = Cows, Pigs, Mushrooms.
{{NPC infobox
|title = Sanja
|image = [[File:Sanja.jpg|200px]]
|caption =
|zone = Kur Mountins
|location = North-West Campfire <br>with [[Jace Soral]]
|skilltrainer = [[Lycanthropy]]
|vendor =
|beastspeak = Wolf
{{NPC infobox
|title = Sanja
|image = [[File:Sanja.jpg|200px]]
|caption =
|zone = Kur Mountins
|location = North-West Campfire <br>with [[Jace Soral]]
|skilltrainer = [[Lycanthropy]]
|vendor =
|beastspeak = Wolf
[[Category:Formatting templates|NPC infobox]]