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Synergy Levels

10 bytes added, 22:48, 8 November 2015
! style='width:11%;' | Skill !! Where to get bonus levels
| <b>Alchemy</b> || Mycology 10, Mycology 40, Cooking 30, Pathology 15, Spider 27, Spider 41, Cheesemaking 30, Armor Augment Brewing Augmentation 35, Weapon Augment Brewing Augmentation 35, Ancillary-Armor Augment Brewing Augmentation 35, Jewelry Augment Brewing Augmentation 35
| <b>Archery</b> || Fletching 15, Fletching 29, Fletching 43
| <b>Geology</b> || Mining 50, Foraging 50
| <b>Giant Bat</b> || Necromancy 28
| <b>Goblin Anatomy</b> || Goblinese 10, Goblinese 20, Goblinese 30, Goblinese 40, Goblinese 50
| <b>Vocabulary</b> || Poetry Appreciation 10, Poetry Appreciation 30, Poetry Appreciation 50, Gender Studies 25
==Anatomy and Phrenology==
{| class = "table sortable"{{STDT}}
! Skill !! Bonus Levels