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Kar-Get on Villas Wake

444 bytes added, 12:14, 20 October 2023
{{Spoiler|Having difficulty finding information on Villas Wake?|
* Go around to the rear of Eltibule Keep and climb down onto the castle walls. Continue around the left side of the castle walls until you enter the structure over the front gate. Look for the [[Journal of Sir Villas Wake]] inside a crate there. Following Game updates/2022-10-10, it became impossible for an average adventurer to reach the outer wall simply by jumping off rocks behind Eltibule Keep. There are a few remaining options:*[[Superjump Potion]] or equivalent Word of Power*Accessing the ability to fly using a transformation or Word of Power*Obtaining a horse capable of a current speed of 20m/s. Players on horses can jump off the hill behind the keep and land on the wall.
* If you encounter a message and are unable to look inside the crate, speak with [[Gretchen Salas]] and start the quest [[Gratflower Millet (Quest)]].}}