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Project: Gorgon Wiki β


Main Page

No change in size, 22:46, 21 April 2016
leveling off the heights better
|style= width: 600px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 200px130px; height: 50px;
|small = yes
|type=Greetings everyone.
|style= width: 600px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 281px211px; height: 50px;
|type=We are maintaining [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] [[Special:Allpages|articles]], <b>Help <u>wanted</u></b> !
|info=As such if you like to help-out<sup>([[Special:Userlogin|Register]])</sup> check the following pages:<br/>
|style= width: 600px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 350px280px; height: 50px;
|type=A Note About SPOILERS !
|info=<span style="color:#c80000; font-weight:bold;">By using this wiki you are depriving yourself of the experience of the very essence of this game: '''exploration and discovery'''.<br/>