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Cheer Up Riger

66 bytes removed, 19:25, 22 August 2016
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Riger is depressed and he asks you to find something to cheer him up. This '''requires [[Pick-Me-Up Juice]]''' which can be made on the island he is on. You first need to '''find the [[Alchemy]] recipe recipes in the lighthouse bookshelf''' nearby. After that, you need the ingredients to create the juice which is '''1 [[Bottle of Water]], 1 [[Strange Dirt]], 1 [[Sugar]], 2 [[Parasol Mushroom Flakes]], and 1 [[SugarSalt]]'''. Empty Bottles, Strange Dirt, and Sugar Everything '''can be found around the islandor from monster loot''', so search around! For the '''Parasol Mushroom Flakes, you need to find the recipe inside a crypt on the island''' ([[Parasol Mushroom Flakes|Info]]). Once you acquired all the ingredients, '''click the ''Recipes'' icon''' on the sidebar, find the '''Parasol Mushroom Flakes recipe''' and craft it. Next, find the '''Pick-Me-Up Juice recipe, ''' and lastly craft itthat. When it is made, give it to Riger. Congratulations, quest complete!