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795 bytes added, 03:33, 16 January 2017
Updated to Template..trial run, will smash all of them tomorrow
Knowledge __NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Vocabulary|image = <!-- You can leave this blank -->|caption = The art of many speaking good|skilltype = Combat Skills <!-- Combat Skills, Trade Skills, Beast Forms, Beast Skills, Other Skills -->|maxlevel = 60 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|skilltrainers = [[Nelson Ballard]], [[Janet Lews]], [[Malvol]] <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->}}{{Quote|Just like the ancient settlers of Alharth had to hunt Grimalkan, the prodigies of today must hunt words in the common language.}}
==Location{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==Currently, the only way to level up this skill is to play the '''Word HuntVocabulary''' mini-game. You can do so by clicking on the Word Hunt icon on the button bar on the right-hand side of the screen. Note that it currently has no associated icon. The item that enables the minigame can occasionally drop inside current purpose, but the upcoming [[Tutorial CaveBard]], or can be bought from [[Marna]] in [[Serbule Keep]]. Vocabulary does not currently have a use in-game, but skill will require some level of it makes for a fun distraction while waiting for other things to happen, and is said to be used with Bardic skills later, when they are added.*'''Bug:''' The UI icon for the word hunt game has no icon, only a nondescript gray icon.*'''Bug:''' You do not seem to currently require the Word Game item in your inventory, allowing you to play the minigame at any time.
==Scoring= In-Game Description ===The goal Knowledge of the game is to find as many words as you can within a larger word. Words appear to be between 7 to 10 letters in length. Each word that you find awards a number of points based on its length. Your final score is the total point value of all words. You receive XP equal to your final scorecommon language.
* Words that are 3 letters long are worth 1 point=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===* Words that are 4 letters long are worth 5 points<!-- A list of methods to learn and level the skill -->* Words that are 5 letters long are worth 25 points* Words that are 6 letters long are worth 100 points* Words that are 7 letters long are worth 500 points* Words that are 8 letters long are worth 1000 pointsThis skill is automatically learned when playing [[Word Hunt]]. Marna will sell a "Word Game" for 75 gold. After using this once, the game will be accessible at any time from a blank button on the right side, even if you drop the item.
For example, given the word '''CENTRIFUGE''', == {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics =====Multiplayer===Players can compete against each other in realtime. NPCs will also join in on the game lists 183 possible words (which is a lot, as most words only have around 100 or so.) You could find the words "erecting" (1000 points) + "generic" (500 points) + "center" (100 points) + "entice" (100 points) and "fig" (1 point) for a total of 1,701 points and experience!
Amusingly, some NPCs will show up in the list of top scorers if there are not enough human participants===Point Value===Each word you find gives you Vocabulary XP based on its length.{| {{STDT}}! Length! Points|-| 3 letters || style="text-align: right" | 25|-| 4 letters || style="text-align: right" | 50|-| 5 letters || style="text-align: right" | 100|-| 6 letters || style="text-align: right" | 300|-| 7 letters || style="text-align: right" | 500|-| 8 letters || style="text-align: right" | 800|-| 9 letters || style="text-align: right" | ??|}
Every 10 levels, the amount of experience needed per level increases by 1,000.
{| class="wikitabletable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Level !! Experience !! Total Experience
== Trivia =="The Bard will get a benefit from Vocabulary 25. Nothing will ever need a Vocabulary level higher than that -- levels beyond 25 are just for fun." - [[Game_updates/2016-11-18|Patch Notes 2016-11-18]] "The NPCs' scores are simulated based on their [imaginary] skill in three categories: word-entry speed, word-hunting speed, and vocabulary. As an example, Sir Coth is a master of entering words quickly, but his vocabulary is very poor and he usually only finds short words. Zeratak the mantis, on the other hand, is very slow at entering words, but has an incredible vocabulary. She usually only manages to enter one or two words, but they're very long." "A little-known trick: interacting with NPCs that play the game causes them to drop out of the next game (so they can talk to you). This trick can be used to kick NPCs out of the scoring for a round, if you really need to feel superior to a bot." [[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other_SkillsOther Skills]]