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2,341 bytes added, 15:38, 14 June 2017
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=== Ivyn ===
; Collect manure from the cow fields
: Ivyn said, "Quite a haul we got! Here's your share, thanks for the help!"
; Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is
: Ivyn said "And that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that we no longer have any representation! It's practically a dictatorship! Ah, but listen to me. If those wizards were really dictators, I suppose I'd have been smote down for my complaints by now, eh?"
; Help till the fields
: Ivyn said, "It's pretty rare to find someone around town who's willing to work that hard! I'm impressed! Take these fresh vegetables as payment."
; Talk about the Sampo legend over dinner
: Ivyn said, "Right! Salt, gold, or flour. It can make any of those, on demand! Kind of redundant, I guess, since gold can buy salt or flour. But maybe the ratios are different or something? Anyway, take some of this home with you, I can't eat it all!"
; Explore nearby ruined tombs for ancient treasures
: Ivyn said, "So... I owe you an apology for my reaction to that deer made of dark energy, or whatever the hell that was. I know my shrieking didn't make the fight any easier. But we got out alive! That's what counts, right?"
=== Blanche ===
; Explore rudimentary fire magic techniques
: Blanche said, "You're good at this! I feel kind of left out. But it was fun watching you cast fireballs! Here, keep this."
; Discuss geologic digging techniques
: Blanche said, "Right, I think you're on to something there: enchant the pick with Tsavorite somehow, and it'd dig up bigger hauls! Here, I have some spare Tsavorite. Now if we just knew an enchantment formula to use it! But anyway, good talking to you."
; Go hunting for redwall crystals
: Blanche said, "That was tedious, wasn't it? Well, we got some! That's what counts. Here's your share!"
; Talk about how the council needs to send more researchers to Serbule
: Blanche said, "And they'd figure the crystal thing out in minutes! Oh, it's just good to finally talk to someone who has some sense in their heads! The council isn't 'pure evil', they're just wizards who're disconnected from the rest of us. They can still do great things for us!"
; Search for antique Human artifacts
: Blanche said, "Nothing but a mug and a plate. Well, it was fun, even if it didn't net us many artifacts. Here's your share!"
; Meditate with Echur