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Ivyn's Demon Bean

1,757 bytes added, 13:57, 22 March 2018
Created page with "__NOTOC__ ==Summary== Ivan in Servile asked you to find the Demon Bean in the old spider-filled crypt in the cemetery. ==Prerequisites== To start this quest, talk to '''[..."
Ivan in Servile asked you to find the [[Demon Bean]] in the old spider-filled crypt in the cemetery.

To start this quest, talk to '''[[Ivyn]]''' in '''[[Serbule]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Friendly}} favor.

<!-- This text is what the quest giver says in the dialog window when they give the quest. Place that text in the quote. For a series of dialog, add lines for the text the quest giver says, and use '''bold''' lines for the player responses. -->
I like you, so I'll let you in on a secret. My grandmother was an alchemist gardener, and they say her best creation was buried with her.

I'd dig her up and retrieve it, but an asshole rich turned her into a living skeleton. She's in the crypt outside of town. Can you put her to rest for me? And retrieve her Demon Bean?

<!-- Add requirements here. Use {{Item}} template for items, and link mobs. -->
* Find the {{Item|Demon Bean}} {{Hint| Possible hints here. }}
* Talk to Ivyn

<!-- We use a spoiler here to hide the end results of the quest. A player may want to see what the quest requirements are, without knowing what the reward is. -->
{{Spoiler|Rewards for (Quest Name here)|

<!-- This text is what the quest giver says in the dialog window when you complete the quest. Place that text in the quote. -->
Postface text here

'''possible player responses'''

More text here.

<!-- Add items received upon quest completion. Use {{Item}} template for items. Link XP in skills.-->
* ?? favor towards {{favor}}
* ?? XP in [[Skill]]
* {{Item|Lyramis Shoes}} x3


<!-- This category should be removed from new quest pages. -->
[[Category:Template guides]]