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Cave Mummies

1,516 bytes added, 19:32, 9 April 2018
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Mox Warcut in New Prestonbule said, "While I was exploring Foothills Cave, I uncovered mummies. I think orcs buried an army of mummies in there after a war and forgot about them. Well, you know how we dwarves feel about mummies! So I killed a few, but there were so many other nasty undead in that cave that I had to retreat. Can you go back in there and get rid of a bunch?"

To start this quest, talk to '''[[Mox Warcut]]''' in '''[[Gazluk Dungeons]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Comfortable}} favor.

{{Quote|While I was exploring Foothills Cave, I uncovered mummies. I think orcs buried an army of mummies in there after a war and forgot about them. Well, you know how we dwarves feel about mummies! So I killed a few, but there were so many other nasty undead in that cave that I had to retreat. Can you go back in there and get rid of a bunch?}}

* Kill Mummies in Foothills Cave
* Talk to Mox Warcut

{{Spoiler|Rewards for Cave Mummies|
{{Quote|Good work. Here's a bit of money as a thank-you. And if you decide to go back in there and destroy more mummies, bring me their wrappings. We have a priesthood back in Aufghel that can consecrate the wrappings... we think it might help release the mummys' souls from their purgatory.

<i>[A new Barter option has been added.]</i>}}

* 100 {{Favor|favor}}
* 4000 councils
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Gazluk Dungeons Quests]][[Category:Quests/Mox Warcut]]