<!-- ''' Add mechanics specific to the skill in this question, like [[Unarmed]] and [[Lycanthropy]]'s Combos, Skill-specific activities (Altar of Norala for Lycanthropes), and Equipment that is specialized for the skill.'''
=== Mechanic 1===
Doing la-di-dah allows for this and that.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}=== Substrates ===
== Substrates and Moon phases effects ==
The table below summarizes Or click the thumbnail to the right for a chart of the best substrates and appropriate moon phases for all mushrooms.
Mushroom boxes are made I make a note of the time window. I need to come back after 22.5 hours so the crop will be ready, but ideally with [[Carpentry]] and [[Mushroom Farming]] recipesanother 22.5 hours still "on the clock". From the 48 hour total, this gives me 28 - 2 * 22. Lucky boxes have 5 = a 33% chance for harvesting 3 hour window. If I make it back in time, i'll be able to grow a second type of mushroom crop, and can last once, 12 then a third if I again harvest that second crop before the 48 hours or 24 has expired. If I harvest the first crop after 25.5 hours, there will be less than 22. Practice boxes have a slower grow time5 hours left, but yield and I will only be able to produce one more XP per mushroomcrop of Fly Amanita with these boxes. Fast boxes grow mushrooms 20% faster than normal, but have a -50% XP penalty per mushroom. {{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
{| class="sortable" style="width:30%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all! align="left" style="width:180px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Mushroom'''</span> ! align="center" styleFarming Experience Table ="width:180px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Normal Growing Time (Mushroom Box lvl 0)'''</span> |-| {{Item|Parasol Mushroom}} || 2 hours|-| {{ItemSpoiler|Mycena Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Mushroom}} |Farming| 3 hours |-| {{Item|Boletus Mushroom}} || 4 hours|-| {{Item|Field Mushroom}} || 5 hours|-| {{Item|Goblin Puffball}} || 5 hours|-| {{Item|Blusher Mushroom}} || 6 hours|-| {{Item|Milk Cap Mushroom}} || 7 hours|-| {{Item|Blood Mushroom}} || 8 hours|-| {{Item|Blastcap Mushroom}} || 8 hours|-| {{Item|Coral Mushroom}} || 9 hours|-| {{Item|Iocaine Mushroom}} || 10 hours|-| {{Item|Groxmak Mushroom}} || 11 hours|-| {{Item|False Agaric:Xptables/TypicalNoncombatSkill}} || 12 hours|-| {{Item|Porcini Mushroom}} || 12 hours|-| {{Item|Black Foot Morel}} || 13 hours|-| {{Item|Pixie's Parasol}} || ??|-| {{Item|Fly Amanita}} || ??|-| {{Item|Charged Mycelium}} || ??|-| {{Item|Wizard's Mushroom}} || 13 hours|-|}
→Growing Time: added Ghostshroom Growing Time
{{Skill infobox
|title = Mushroom Farming
|image = [[File:MushroomFarming_skillEmpty_Placeholder.png|300px]]
|caption = The specialized skill of growing mushrooms in grow-boxes.
|skilltype = Trade Skill
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
'''Mushroom Farming''' is a new skill introduced July 2017. This skill requires [[Mycology]] of 60 to learn.
<!--Introductory paragraph or two summarizing the main aspects of the skill or combat style. Is it a main damage skill or more of a support skill, or both? Feel free to elaborate on useful information. See [[Lycanthropy]] or [[Hammer]] for examples.-->
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* [[Hemmit Magmagrip]] will teach Mushroom Farming at ''Friends''.* [[Hemmit Magmagrip]] unlocks Levels 51-60 [[Mushroom Farming]]at ''Like Family''.
== Connected Skills ==
== Recipe Lists ==
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
Each mushroom grows better in a specific substrate. It grows adequately in one of the low level substrates (Dirt, Bone or Meat), and very well in one of the high level substrates (Organs, Limbs or Exotic).
Some substrates can be produced from any item with a certain keyword:*Meat Substrate: [[:Category:Items/Meat]]*Organ Substrate: [[:Category:Items/BodyOrgan]]*Limb Substrate: [[:Category:Items/CorpseLimb]] Some higher level mushroom boxes require multiple doses of substrate, instead of just one. === Moon Phases ===Mushrooms also grow robustly if harvested during two (specific to the mushroom) out of the eight moon phases, and poorly in two others. Moon phase in game matches real life, based on GMT time zone.The current moon phase can be checked with the Moon Phase Check [[Lore]] recipe. === Mushroom Boxes ===Mushroom boxes are made with [[Carpentry]] and [[Mushroom Farming]] recipes. Lucky boxes have a 33% chance for harvesting a second type of mushroom and can last once, 12 hours or 24 hours. Practice boxes have a slower grow time, but yield more XP per mushroom. Fast boxes grow mushrooms 20% faster than normal, but have a -50% XP penalty per mushroom. ==== Box Duration and Clearing Boxes ====Some mushroom boxes have a duration (other boxes typically grow only a single crop). For these boxes, the player will be able to start a new cycle as long as there is any time left on the box. If this new cycle uses up the remaining time on the box, the in-game interface will inform you that this will be the last crop this box will be fit to grow. At any time, the player may opt to clean out a mushroom box. For a box with duration remaining, a new crop may then be started, requiring a new starter mushroom, and a new dose of substrate (or multiple doses, depending on box type). ==== Number of Boxes ====A number of boxes can be placed simultaneously, depending on [[Mushroom Farming]] level:* Two boxes to start* Three boxes at Level 41 ==== Locations ====*Some locations where mushrooms can be farmed: [[Crystal Cavern]], [[Myconian Cave]], [[Brain Bug Cave]], [[New Prestonbule Cave]], [[Wolf Cave]], [[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]].*Some locations where mushrooms cannot be farmed: [[Rahu Sewer]], [[Yeti Cave]] === Growing Time ===<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Mushroom_Farming_Chart.png|right|256px|link={{filepath:Mushroom_Farming_Chart.png}}]]The table below summarizes the best substrates, appropriate moon phases and normal growing time for all mushrooms. Mycology requirement is the level required to seed a box; attempting to seed a box with an unharvestable mushroom variety yields a warning in the user interface: "Error: Picking a <Fly Amanita> requires Mycology <77>, and your skill is only <64>. You wouldn't be able to pick the mushrooms you grew!"
{| class="sortable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all
! align="left" style="width:180px110px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Mushroom'''</span> ! align="center" style="width:80px70px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Mycology Req'''</span> ! align="center" style="width:70px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Growing Time'''</span> ! align="center" style="width:70px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Adequate in'''</span> ! align="center" style="width:80px70px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Very well in'''</span>
! align="center" style="width:160px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Moon phase (robustly)'''</span>
! align="center" style="width:160px" | <span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Moon phase (poorly)'''</span>
| {{Item|Parasol Mushroom}} || N/A || 02 hrs || Dirt || Organs || Full Moon, Waning Crescent Moon || New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Mycena Mushroom}} || 05 || 03 hrs || Bone || Limbs || Waxing Crescent Moon, First-Quarter Moon || Waning Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon
| {{Item|Boletus Mushroom}} || 10 || 04 hrs || Meat || Exotic || New Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon || Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon
| {{Item|Field Mushroom}} || 15 || 05 hrs || Bone || Organs || Waxing Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon || First-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Blusher MushroomGoblin Puffball}} || Meat 12 || 05 hrs || Dirt || Exotic || New Moon, Waning Waxing Gibbous Moon || Waxing Crescent Full Moon, Full Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Goblin PuffballBlusher Mushroom}} || Dirt 20 || 06 hrs || Meat || Exotic || New Moon, Waxing Waning Gibbous Moon || Full Waxing Crescent Moon, Waning Crescent Full Moon
| {{Item|Milk Cap Mushroom}} || 25 || 07 hrs || Dirt || Organs || Full Moon, Waning Crescent Moon || New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Blood Blastcap Mushroom}} || Dirt 33 || Limbs 08 hrs || Waxing Crescent Meat || Organs || Full Moon, Last-Quarter Waning Gibbous Moon || First-Quarter New Moon, Waxing Gibbous Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Coral Blood Mushroom}} || Meat 30 || 08 hrs || Dirt || Limbs || FirstWaxing Crescent Moon, Last-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon || LastFirst-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Iocaine Coral Mushroom}} || Bone 40 || 09 hrs || Meat || Limbs || Waxing Crescent Moon, First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon || Waning Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Groxmak Iocaine Mushroom}} || 40 || 10 hrs || Bone || Organs Limbs || Waxing Gibbous Crescent Moon, LastFirst-Quarter Moon || FirstWaning Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Porcini Groxmax Mushroom}} || Meat 47 || Exotic 11 hrs || Full Bone || Organs || Waxing Gibbous Moon, Waning Gibbous Last-Quarter Moon || New First-Quarter Moon, Waxing Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Black Foot MorelPorcini Mushroom}} || 55 || 12 hrs || Dirt Meat || Exotic || New Full Moon, Waning Crescent Gibbous Moon || Last-Quarter New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Pixie's ParasolFalse Agaric}} || Meat 57 || Organs 12 hrs || FirstBone || Limbs || Waning Crescent Moon, Last-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon || LastFirst-Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Waxing Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Fly AmanitaBlack Foot Morel}} || Bone 64 || Organs 13 hrs || Waxing Crescent Dirt || Exotic || New Moon, Full Waning Crescent Moon || New Full Moon, Waning Waxing Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Blastcap MushroomPixie's Parasol}} || 70 || 14 hrs || Meat || Organs || Full First-Quarter Moon, Waning Waxing Gibbous Moon || New Last-Quarter Moon, Waxing Waning Crescent Moon
| {{Item|Charged MyceliumFly Amanita}} || ?? 77 || ?? 15 hrs || ?? Bone || ??Organs || Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon || New Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|False AgaricWizard's Mushroom}} || 75 || 16 hrs || Bone || Limbs Organs || Waning Waxing Crescent Moon, LastFirst-Quarter Moon || FirstWaxing Gibbous Moon, Last-Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
| {{Item|Wizard's MushroomCharged Mycelium}} || Bone 85 || Organs 16 hrs || Waxing Crescent Meat || Exotic ||New Moon, First-Quarter Waxing Gibbous Moon || Waxing Gibbous Waning Crescent Moon, Last-Quarter Full Moon
| {{Item|Granamurch Mushroom}} || 85 || ?? hrs || Dirt || Limbs ||Full Moon, New Moon || Waning Gibbous Moon, Last Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon
| {{Item|Ghostshroom}} || 90 || 18 hrs || Exotic || Meat ||Full Moon, New Moon || Last Quarter Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
== Growing Boxes and Times = Example ===I head to New Prestonbule Cave, and remove some {{Item|Maple Wood}} from storage. I use a [[Carpentry]] recipe to produce two {{Item|Maple Mushroom Box Frame}}. I also remove some {{Item|Blood Mushroom Powder}} from storage and along with the water and dirt in my inventory, i'm able to produce the other intermediate ingredients and finally two {{Item|High-Yield Mushroom Box (48 hours)}}. Having already checked that it is the Full Moon (and consulted an online reference so I know it will still be the Full Moon at harvest time when it counts), I plan to grow {{Item|Fly Amanita}}, as these grow robustly during the Full Moon. They grow best in {{Item|Mushroom Substrate (Organs)}}, so I pull a stack of that out of storage, along with a couple of Fly Amanitas to get the boxes started. I choose a location a little out of the way near a wall, where I will remember where my boxes are. I deploy both boxes, adding one mushroom to each, along with the two doses of substrate the interface informs me each box requires. I can now see that the boxes have 48 hours remaining and that this crop will be done in 22.5 hours (the 15 hour base * 150% because High Yield Boxes have 50% slower growth).
== Trivia ==
*[[Mushroom Farming]] was actually one of the first skills planned for the game, at Skill ID #7.*There is a bug upon first learning the skill. Two recipes, Mushroom Box and Mushroom Substrate: Dirt, are supposed to be added to the player's arsenal. But Mushroom Substrate: Dirt recipe is not added (in many players' experiences). After quitting and restarting the game, the recipe appears normally.
== Gallery==