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8 bytes added, 07:46, 23 December 2018
Hang Out: fixed tags
==Hang Out==
{{Spoiler|*;Rub Balms and Oils into Yalox's Exposed Flesh (60m)|
: Yalox said, "Yes! Is your throat aching? Mine toooo. It is glorious! But there is a poultice to fix sore throats. Let me teach you"
:12 Favor with Yalox
:1 Nightmare Flesh
}}*;{{Spoiler|Howl in commiseration (2hr)|
: Yalox said, "Yes! Is your throat aching? Mine toooo. It is glorious! But there is a poultice to fix sore throats. Let me teach you"
:20 favor with Yalox
:200 First Aid XP
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Goblin Dungeon NPCs]][[Category:Aberration]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Bartering]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]