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No change in size, 22:37, 5 May 2019
Teleportation Codes
18) 0023 = Red Wing Casino (Formally Serbule (roof above player market in town))
19) 0028 0029 = Sun Vale DropSerbule (roof above player market in town)
20) 0030 0028 = Arlan (Ilmari by Geyser Slug)Sun Vale Drop
21) 0031 0030 = Amaluk Valley Cave Drop Arlan (east entrance; GazlukIlmari by Geyser Slug)
22) 0032 0031 = Serbule Sewers Amaluk Valley Cave Drop (Middleeast entrance; Gazluk)
23) 0037 0032 = Serbule Crypt DropSewers (Middle)
24) 0039 0037 = Rahu City (hostile section, south entrance)Serbule Crypt Drop
25) 0059 0039 = Eltibule Goblin Dungeon DropRahu City (hostile section, south entrance)
26) 0075 0059 = Gazluk (slightly south of zone's center, at the crystals)Eltibule Goblin Dungeon Drop
27) 0080 0075 = Rahu City Gazluk (hostile sectionslightly south of zone's center, south entranceat the crystals)
28) 0420 0080 = RahuCity (hostile section, south entrance)
29) 1212 0420 = Serbule SewersRahu
30) 1337 1212 = Gazluk by glowy yellow crystals Serbule Sewers
31) 1602 1337 = Serbule (roof above player market in town)Gazluk by glowy yellow crystals