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903 bytes added, 14:54, 1 July 2019
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| Bashed with a stick || 100 || 5 || {{Hint|Get hit by staff abilities, 3rd and 4th death still yields 5XP, haven't tested beyond that.}}
| Bit by a Fiery Animal || ? || ? 0 || {{Hint|???}}
| Bit by a Pumpkin || ? || ? || {{Hint|Die to an Evil Pumpkin basic attack}}
| Bitten by diseased animal || 50 || ? || {{Hint|???}}
| Bitten repeatedly by swarms of insects || 50 || 0 || {{Hint|Treant dot attack}}
| Blasted by Sonic Waves || ? || ? || {{Hint|???}}
| Died from mysterious illness || ? || ? || {{Hint|???}}
| Discomfort || ? || ? || {{Hint|Sword Many Cuts dot damage}}
| Drowned || ? || ? || {{Hint|Go swimming.}}
| Exposure to freezing temperatures || ? || ? || {{Hint|DoT cold damage in Kur Mountains}}
| Eyeballs Melted || ? || 0 || {{Hint|Ranalon Guardian rage attack}}
| Fatal Fever || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Druid: Delerium}}
| Fatal Levels of Shame || 500 || 20 || {{Hint|Psychology: Ridicule, Psychoanalyze, Tell me about your mother, Fast Talk, Soothe, But I Love You}}
| Feet Crushed by Rocks || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Ranalon Stoneshaper root attack}}
| Fell from great height || 100 || ? || {{Hint|self explanatory}}
| Filled with otherworldly shrapnel || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Rage attack from ghost-type mobs, Ciervos the Shadow's rage attack}}
| Filled with red-hot bone fragments || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Rage attack from Suicidal Skeleton}}
| Fire spell backfired || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Fire Magic Ring of Fire spell with the mod doing damage to YOU}}
| Food Poisoning || 50 || ? || {{Hint|A mushroom in Myco Cave can teach you how to create food that has been poisoned}}
| Heart Attack || 200 || 20 || {{Hint|Psychology: You Were Adopted; Alchemy: Hulking Gel}}
| Heart became undead || 50 || 0 || {{Hint|Khyrulek's True Form rage attack}}
| Hit by a whip-like tail || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Deinonychus in Rahu}}
| Impact with large opponent || 100 || ? || {{Hint|Unarmed: Bodyslam}}
| Impaled on flying bones Flying Bones || ? 50 || ? 0 || {{Hint|???Rage attack from Skeleton Darkweaver}}
| Incinerated by an Inscrutable Intelligence || 50 || 0 || {{Hint|Glowing Sphere in Yeti Cave, if you have already accepted the quest you have to turn the quest in, and talk to the orb again. It will treat you like seeing you for the first time, be mean to it and get it to kill you.}}
| Internal Organs Removed By Ghost || ? || ? || {{Hint|Basic attack from ghost-type mobs}}
| Kicked by a Rabbit || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Rabbit: Bun-Fu Blitz}}
| Kicked to death || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Unarmed: Kick, Knee Kick}}
| Killed by an enraged undead || 50 || 5 || {{Hint|Rage attack from skeletons, beginner island is a good place for this}}
| Killed by an exploding animal || ? 100 || ? || {{Hint|Fire sheep on second floor of crypt or in Kur}}
| Killed by an insane cultist || ? || ? || {{Hint|Insane Cultist inside Dark Chapel dungeon in Eltibule}}
| Loss of motor control || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Forgotten Loading Golem's Rage Attack, Cockatrice "pin" attack}}
| Lovetapped Too Hard || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Rabbit Love Tap}}
| Mangled by a gigantic Skeleton || 100 || 5 || {{Hint|Nameless Guardian in Crypt.. Repeatable at least twice for 5 XP each time after}}
| Ripped apart by giant hooks || 100 || 5 || {{Hint|Hook Beasts}}
| Scratched by a Rabbit || 50 || ? || {{Hint|Rabbit Bun-Fu Scratch}}
| Slain by own magic || ? || ? || {{Hint|???}}
| Slashed by a Treant || 50 || 5 || {{Hint|Treant basic attack}}
| Slashed by an illusion that was somehow all too real || 50 || 5 || {{Hint|Giant Bat: Confusing Double's illusion}}