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8,838 bytes added, 13:38, 6 July 2023
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{{MAP infobox
| name = Serbule | mapimage = [[File:Serbule_annotatedSerbuleMarkedMap.jpg|300px|Annotated map thanks to ErasmusPrime400px]] | portaldesc = TEMPORARY use of incorrect Template for testing out layout.Needs description | connects = [[Eltibule]]<br>[[Sun Vale]] via boatman<br>[[Serbule Hills]]<br>[[Anagoge Island]]
| pclevel = 1-30
'''The Duchy of [[Serbule]]''' is was once a prosperous land, but fell into disarray after the first main zone open to players after leaving Duke of Serbule vanished. After the disaster at [[Tutorial CaveDwyndarre]]. , [[Serbule Keep]] is the main hub in this explorable area, and was rebuilt as a frequent destination refugee town for characters the survivors. While most of all levels. The entrance the population is [[Elven]], some [[Human|Humans]] remain to act upon the wishes of [[The Council]]. Retired Praetor [[CryptNelson Ballard]]watches over residents from the keep, while town Sheriff [[Myconian CaveSir Coth]] patrols. [[Serbule]] itself is a typical Council town, with mostly wooden buildings surrounded by a stone wall. A moat wraps its way around the town, connected to a nearby lake. Six guard towers stand watch over the town, and the dungeon fortress of [[Under the HandSerbule Keep]] as well as takes up the southern end of town. There are three town gates, one to the East, and the others to the North and South. The region of [[EltibuleSerbule]] zone portal is lightly forested, with heavier forests to the northern and southern edges of the Duchy. A few lakes can be found around the town, and large mountains are visible in the distance. Council built cobblestone paths wind throughout the landscape of the region, the remains of a trade route from the Serbule Docks leading into [[SerbuleHills]] and beyond, to [[Sedgewick Forest]].{{Quote|source[[Serbule]] is located around 2,000 miles from [[Statehelm]], the capital city of the Council Lands.== Neighboring Regions ==Loading Screen|Borghild ; [[Anagoge]]: A rocky island few have reason to travel to, ocean currents and storms keep most away.; [[Serbule Hills]]: Serbule Hills, found south of [[Serbule]], is an ancient burial sitea hilly region known for its large lakes. Twenty years ago; [[Eltibule]]: Eltibule, the Duke of reached by traveling north from [[Serbule led an adventuring team into it]], was once another Council Duchy, but never returnednow dealing with a [[Goblin]] problem.}}; [[Sun Vale]]: An island chain on the [[Verta]] border, this remote landmass is known as a place for [[Druid]]s to gather.
==Points of Interest==
<!--===Serbule Keep=== NOTE: This should be [[Serbule Keep]] is the only town in the [[Serbule]] region, hastily constructed by the [[Council Corps of Engineers]] after the destruction of [[Dwyndarre]]. For travelers, it is an ideal place to rest, restock on supplies, and sell goods. ===Farm===To the west of [[Serbule Keep]], Elves [[Ivyn]] and [[Jara]] maintain a small farm, where they grow crops to provide for the townsfolk. A smaller garden, with easier access to a brief overview water source, exists within the town.=== Northern Woods ===The Northern Woods of the POIs as [[Serbule]] region are home to a variety of wild beasts. Unprotected by the details walls of town, a few lone houses can be found here. The Mantis couple [[Azalak]] and [[Zeratak]] are in individual articles and this will otherwise known inhabitants. Through the woods, the path (portal) to the hills of [[Eltibule]] can be too longfound.-->=== The Docks ===Before the [[Goblin]]s started their raids to the south, the Serbule Dock was once a small, but busy port. Now, only a few merchants are willing to moor there. Combined with the closure of [[Verta]], these merchants are known for offering rides to other neighboring lands.
Adventurers looking for exotic fruits may try and seek passage to [[Sun Vale]].===The Creepy Red Crystal===A large mysterious crystal sprouting from the ground north of [[BlancheSerbule Keep]] sends you there in search . It appears to be made from the same material as the [[Rubywall Crystal]]s, and the Council's own Rubywalls.=== The Giant of crystal samplesSerbule ===One of the defining features of the [[Serbule]] region, this humanoid statue depicts a hooded figure. Touching While only the hands and face rest above ground, rumors suggest that the crystal will take you to entire statue exists, but buried. Some say that it was once a living giant petrified by a [[Gorgon]], while other locals insist [[Crystal CavernThe Council]]constructed it for unknown purposes.
When an explorer found the entrance to a dungeon near the statue's left hand, it was humorously named the [[Carpal Tunnels]].===Giant Mushrooms ===The DocksNorthwest hills of Serbule are home to giant mushrooms. Their existence is considered a mystery by most of [[Serbule Keep]]'s townsfolk, although local Mycologist [[Mushroom Jack]] is convinced they're part of an invasion force.==== Teleportation Circles ====Talk to There are 4 Council constructed [[Teleportation|Teleportation Circles]] in the [[Serbule]] region.* Inside the Boatman at northern gate of [[Serbule Keep]].* Outside of [[Borghild]] in the docks (northeast corner .* South of [[Serbule Keep]] along the map) to travel path leading to [[Sun ValeSerbule Hills]].* Inside the [[Myconian Cave]], for behind the entry portal and close to Jaw and Voo.There is a fee[[Mushroom Circle|mushroom circle]] directly east of [[Serbule Keep]].
==== Meditation Pillars ====
There are 5 [[Meditation|Meditation Pillars]] in the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} region. The provided [[Meditation Combos#Pillar Combos|Meditation Combos]] are:
* '''Punchmaster''' - Outside of the town garden near [[Echur]].
* '''Crowd Surprise''' - In the northeast, directly outside the entrance to [[Borghild]].
* '''Kicker''' - Along the path going west from the northern bridge into town.
* '''Breather''' - On a hill above the left hand of the giant statue.
* '''Crushing Cobra''' - Found in the northwest near the entrance to the [[Brain Bug Cave]].
* <dpl>category = Serbule Dungeonsmode = unorderedcolumns = 3</dpl>=== Borghild ===[[Crystal CavernBorghild]] (aka "Creepy Crystal" cave)* , once known as the Deathrap Dungeon is accessed through the giant gate in the northeast past of Serbule. Look for a crack on the left side of the door to get in. The ownership of [[Myconian CaveBorghild]]* fortress has changed hands many times over the past fifteen centuries, when the [[Serbule SewersDwarf|Dwarves]]* first constructed it. All sorts of [[Serbule CryptUndead]]* have inhabited it since. Twenty years ago, the last [[Tutorial CaveLord Serbule|Duke of Serbule]] (aka "Newbie dungeon")* [[Under entered the Hand]]tomb, and was never heard from again.
This fortress should only be attempted by experienced adventurers, able to counter both [[Undead]] and [[Incorporeal Creature]]s. ==Teleportation= Brain Bug Cave ===* [[Serbule KeepBrain Bug Cave]] (center)* Northeast area near what looks like is a dungeon entrance.* Just south secluded cave in the northern hills of the Serbule Keepregion. Rumors suggest that Dalvos spent some time here, over as his creations still roam the hillscave.
{{Item|Pickled Brain}} jars can sometimes be found on the ground, remnants of his mad alchemical experiments.== Neighbor Map(s) = Crystal Cavern ===* [[EltibuleCrystal Cavern]]* , also known as the "creepy crystal cave" or the "caves under Serbule", is a small cave that lies beneath the giant red crystal found north of [[Sun ValeSerbule Keep]] (Northeast docks). This area can be deadly for low level adventurers due to the poison stacking caused by the creatures found there. Although residents of the region mention that the appearance of the giant Rubywall Crystal above-ground is a recent event, it is unclear if the cave existed previously to that event.== NPCs = Myconian Cave ===A hidden sanctuary for [[Myconian]], this subterranean cave system is home to mushrooms and other fungoid foes. Only travelers with a basic understanding of the [[Myconic]] language will be granted passage into the [[Myconian Cave]]. === Serbule Crypt ===The [[Serbule Crypt]] is a tomb inhabited by a variety of low-level naturally-occurring Undead, although the further from the entrance an adventurer explores, the stronger they become. The turbulent history of the [[Serbule]]region has left its mark on the crypt, with at least one powerful undead-mage binding itself and its minions to the site. Occasionally, locals may instead refer to the crypt using the name of the mage, warning travelers to avoid Khyrulek's Crypt. However, the presence of undead brings with it supplies, sorely needed by the Elven refuges from [[Dwyndarre]] housed in the quickly constructed town of [[Serbule Keep]].==Friends=Serbule Sewers ===<![[Serbule Sewers]] is a small dungeon infested with rats and spiders. Built by Council Engineers to handle waste from [[Serbule Keep]]'s new population of refugee elves, this half finished project has become home to many cave-dwelling species. Mushrooms grow on the damp walls and floors, which can be harvested for Myconic experience. A partially gated- It works! I'll have off portion of the Sewers is populated by dinosaurs and slimes.=== Carpal Tunnels ===[[Carpal Tunnels]], once known as "Under the Hand," is a dungeon in [[Serbule]] that earns its name due to figure out the params large stone rock hand the dungeon can be found under. The stone hand is actually part of a mostly burred stone statue, of which the head and the other hand can be seen protruding from the land. Some locals believe the statue is actually a petrified Giant, latercarved into the shape of a Council member. Still, others believe that most of the dungeon remains hidden, very complex: http://wwwhome to a variety of Council storerooms containing much needed {{msg:DPL_Manual -->BASEPAGENAME}} Inhabitants ====== Friendly NPCs ====
category = Serbule NPCs
notcategory = Serbule Keep NPCs
notcategory = Event NPCs
notcategory = Dungeon NPCs
mode = unordered
columns = 3
==== Serbule Keep NPCs ====
category = Serbule Keep NPCs
notcategory = Event NPCs
mode = unordered
columns = 3
*Elsie, Bessie, Jammy, Wanda (Cows) {{Hint|You can fill an empty bottle with milk, a weak Power regeneration drink.}}
*[[Gisli]]==== Event NPCs ====*[[Chemist]]<dpl>category = Serbule NPCscategory = Event NPCsmode = unorderedcolumns = 3</dpl>==== Friendly NPCs in {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Dungeons ====<dpl>category = Serbule NPCscategory = Dungeon NPCsnotcategory = Serbule Keep NPCs*[[Teaching Golem]]notcategory = Event NPCsmode = unorderedcolumns =3</dpl>===Foes===<dpl>category =Serbule Creaturesnotcategory = Bossesnotcategory = Formatting templatesnotcategory = Template guidesnotcategory = Skill Trainernotnamespace=Usermode = unorderedcolumns = 3includetrim = true<!-- It works! I'll have to figure out the params later, very complex: --dpl>===Special Foes===
category = Serbule Creatures
category = Bosses
mode = unordered
columns = 3
==Harvestables ==Special Foes==== Fish ====<!-- using fullnames from Notorious Deeds panel , in or out of the link? -->{|* [[Elzehatl]] the Psi Mantis|{{Item|Crab}}* [[Gluzax]] the Mantis|{{Item|Grapefish}}* [[Mr. Squeaky]] the Psychic Rat|{{Item|Clownfish}}* [[Old Fangsworth]] (the Tiger)|{{Item|Perch}}* [[Old Snouty]] |{{Item|Eel}} (the Pigrare)* [[Salmpo|The Salmpo]]* [[Tyxr the Guardian Elemental]]}
==Gathering== Fruit ===={||{{Item|Red Apple}}|{{Item|Grapes}}|}==== Plants ===={||{{Item|Bluebell Seeds}}|{{Item|Red Aster Seeds}}|}==== Wood ====* Field Mushrooms (15){||{{Item|Oak Wood}}* |{{Item|Perfect Oak Wood (10)}}|{{Item|Maple Wood}}|{{Item|Perfect Maple Wood}}|}==== Mushrooms ===={||{{Item|Strange Dirt}}|{{Item|Parasol Mushroom}}|{{Item|Mycena Mushroom}}|}==== Minerals & Metal ===={||{{Item|Serbule Rubywall Mineral Survey}}|{{Item|Serbule Blue Mineral Survey}}|{{Item|Serbule Green Mineral Survey}}|{{Item|Serbule White Mineral Survey}}|}== Events ==[[Serbule]] has been host to many events over the years.==== Halloween 2014 ====During [[Halloween 2014]], a Necromancer attempted to invade Serbule Keep.==== Halloween 2015 ====* Wild Bluebell (10)During [[Halloween 2015]], one of the Magical Alters in Serbule Keep was transformed into a Necromantic alter, summoning all kinds of devious undead creatures.==== Halloween 2016 ====In [[Halloween 2016]], the Magical Alter once again malfunctioned, and undead poured forth into the town.==== Halloween 2017 ====During [[Halloween 2017]], [[Zhia Lian]] tasked a number of quests to willing participants.==== Halloween 2018 ====During [[Halloween 2018]], [[Zhia Lian]] tasked a number of quests to willing participants.* Wild Grapes (10)==== Halloween 2019 ====* Wild Red Aster (15)During [[Halloween 2019]], [[Zhia Lian]] tasked a number of quests to willing participants.
File:Serbule Gallery (abandoned cart).jpg|An abandoned cart.
File:Serbule Gallery 2.jpg|A very dangerous place...
File:Serbule Keep (map).png|The town of [[Serbule Keep]].