Automatically generated. If there's an issue, please message Extractum11 on Discord - Subglacious#0413
<!-- Updated on August 26November 07, 2019 from v323v327-->
==<!--start-->Mentalism Paired List==
* Psi Health Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly heal all targets for 32 health<br>
* Psi Health Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly heal all targets for 32 health<br>
* Psi Armor Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 90 158 armor to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Armor Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 90 158 armor to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 34 54 power to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 34 54 power to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly restore 26 32 power to you<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly restore 26 32 power to you<br>
* Psi Adrenaline Wave increases all targets' Slashing damage +9% for 20 seconds<br>
* Psi Adrenaline Wave increases all targets' Electricity damage +9% for 20 seconds<br>
* Psi Armor Wave instantly restores 52 armor to all targets<br>
* Psi Armor Wave instantly restores 52 armor to all targets<br>
* Psi Armor Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 90 158 armor to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Armor Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 90 158 armor to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Health Wave and Psi Armor Wave instantly restore 76 84 armor to you<br>* Psi Health Wave and Psi Armor Wave instantly restore 76 84 armor to you<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Armor Wave cause all targets' melee attacks to cost -6 8 Power for 20 seconds<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>
<b><u>Psi Health Wave 6</u></b><br>
* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave restore +8 Health, Armor, and Power respectively every few seconds<br>
* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave restore +8 Health, Armor, and Power respectively every few seconds<br>
* Psi Health Wave and Psi Armor Wave instantly restore 76 84 armor to you<br>* Psi Health Wave and Psi Armor Wave instantly restore 76 84 armor to you<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>
<b><u>Psi Power Wave 5</u></b><br>
* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave restore +8 Health, Armor, and Power respectively every few seconds<br>
* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave restore +8 Health, Armor, and Power respectively every few seconds<br>
* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 34 54 power to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave restore 34 54 power to all targets after a 25 second delay<br>* Psi Power Wave instantly restores 28 31 power to all targets<br>* Psi Power Wave instantly restores 28 31 power to all targets<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly restore 26 32 power to you<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Adrenaline Wave instantly restore 26 32 power to you<br>* Psi Power Wave and Psi Armor Wave cause all targets' melee attacks to cost -6 8 Power for 20 seconds<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>* Psi Health Wave, Armor Wave, and Power Wave grant all targets +6 42 Psychic Damage for 60 seconds<br>
<b><u>Reconstruct 6</u></b><br>
* Revitalize restores +22 Health and causes the target to take 30 less damage from Psychic and Nature attacks for 10 seconds<br>
* Revitalize restores +22 Health and causes the target to take 30 less damage from Psychic and Nature attacks for 10 seconds<br>
* Revitalize restores +20 Health and removes ongoing Trauma effects (up to 22 26 dmg/sec)<br>
* Revitalize restores 67 armor to YOU (regardless of the target of the ability)<br>
* Revitalize restores 67 armor to YOU (regardless of the target of the ability)<br>