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Template:Ability icon

273 bytes removed, 23:47, 7 November 2019
{{ #if: {{{1|}}} |
{{ #replace:{{ #switch: {{{1|None}}}
| (Internal - SZ1) = 2202
| (Internal - SZ2) = 2202
| (Internal - Triage7) = 3734
| (Internal - Triage8) = 3734
| (Internal) = 108
| (Internal) = 108
| (Internal) = 108
| (Internal) = 2109
| (Internal) = 2111
| Admonish 8 = 3726
| Admonish 9 = 3726
| Aggression Deterrent = 3778
| Aggression Deterrent 2 = 3778
| Aggression Deterrent 3 = 3778
| Aggression Deterrent 4 = 3778
| Aggression Deterrent 5 = 3778
| Agonize = 3626
| Agonize 2 = 3626
| Antler Slash 8 = 2219
| Antler Slash 9 = 2219
| Apprehend = 3768
| Apprehend 2 = 3768
| Apprehend 3 = 3768
| Apprehend 4 = 3768
| Apprehend 5 = 3768
| Apprehend 6 = 3768
| Area Halberd = 3654
| Area Halberd - Boss = 3654
| Barrage 6 = 2102
| Barrage 7 = 2102
| Barrage 8 = 2102
| BarutiWrapA = 2238
| BarutiWrapB = 2238
| Blast of Defiance 6 = 3673
| Blast of Defiance 7 = 3673
| Blast of Defiance 8 = 3673
| Blast of Despair = 3672
| Blast of Despair 2 = 3672
| Blast of Fury 7 = 3671
| Blast of Fury 8 = 3671
| Blast of Fury 9 = 3671
| Bleddyn Howl = 2111
| Blitz Shot = 3321
| Bodyslam 5 = 3322
| Bodyslam 6 = 3322
| Bodyslam 7 = 3322
| Bodyslam 8 = 3322
| Boiling Veins = 2109
| BossSlimeKick = 2130
| Bruising Blow 5 = 2241
| Bruising Blow 6 = 2241
| Bruising Blow 7 = 2241
| Bruising Blow 8 = 2241
| Bun-Fu Blast = 3752
| Bun-Fu Blast 2 = 3752
| Bun-Fu Blitz 5 = 3691
| Bun-Fu Blitz 6 = 3691
| Bun-Fu Blitz 7 = 3691
| Bun-Fu Strike = 3704
| Bun-Fu Strike 2 = 3704
| Carrot Power 5 = 3697
| Carrot Power 6 = 3697
| Carrot Power 7 = 3697
| Castigate = 3727
| Castigate 2 = 3727
| Claw Barrage 2 = 3487
| Claw Barrage 3 = 3487
| Claw Barrage 4 = 3487
| Claw Barrage 5 = 3487
| Clever Trick = 3619
| Clever Trick 2 = 3619
| Cobra Strike 5 = 2105
| Cobra Strike 6 = 2105
| Cobra Strike 7 = 2105
| Cobra Strike 8 = 2105
| CockatriceParalyze = 3427
| CockatricePeck = 2129
| Cold Protection 5 = 3408
| Cold Protection 5 = 3408
| Cold Protection 6 = 3408
| Cold Protection 6 = 3408
| Cold Protection 7 = 3408
| Cold Protection 7 = 3408
| Cold Protection 8 = 3408
| Cold Protection 8 = 3408
| Cold Protection 9 = 3408
| Collect Milk 3 = 2148
| Combat Echolocation = 3485
| Conditioning Shock = 3771
| Conditioning Shock 2 = 3771
| Conditioning Shock 3 = 3771
| Conditioning Shock 4 = 3771
| Conditioning Shock 5 = 3771
| Conditioning Shock 6 = 3771
| Confusing Double = 3543
| Confusing Double 2 = 3543
| Confusing Double 5 = 3543
| Confusing Double 6 = 3543
| Controlled Burn = 3773
| Controlled Burn 2 = 3773
| Controlled Burn 3 = 3773
| Controlled Burn 4 = 3773
| Controlled Burn 5 = 3773
| Coordinated Assault = 3776
| Coordinated Assault 2 = 3776
| Coordinated Assault 3 = 3776
| Coordinated Assault 4 = 3776
| Corrupt Hate = 3731
| Corrupt Hate 2 = 3731
| Deathgaze 6 = 3428
| Deathgaze 7 = 3428
| Deathscream = 3542
| Deathscream 2 = 3542
| Deathscream 3 = 3542
| Deathscream 4 = 3542
| Deathscream 5 = 3542
| Deathscream 6 = 3542
| Debilitating Blow = 3046
| Debilitating Blow 2 = 3046
| Debilitating Blow 4 = 3046
| Debilitating Blow 5 = 3046
| Debilitating Blow 6 = 3046
| Debilitating Blow 7 = 3046
| Decapitate = 3045
| Decapitate 2 = 3045
| Decapitate 5 = 3045
| Decapitate 6 = 3045
| Decapitate 7 = 3045
| Decapitate 8 = 3045
| Deer Bash = 2154
| Deer Bash 2 = 2154
| Finishing Blow 4 = 2106
| Finishing Blow 5 = 2106
| Finishing Blow 6 = 2106
| Finishing Blow 7 = 2106
| Finishing Blow 8 = 2106
| Fire Arrow = 3309
| Fire Arrow 2 = 3309
| Fish Gut 4 = 2133
| Fish Gut 5 = 2133
| Fish Gut 6 = 2133
| Flamestrike = 3739
| Flamestrike 2 = 3739
| Flashing Strike 6 = 3443
| Flashing Strike 7 = 3443
| Flashing Strike 8 = 3443
| Flashing Strike 9 = 3443
| Flee = 2129
| Flesh to Fuel = 3747
| Front Kick 7 = 2112
| Front Kick 7 = 2155
| Front Kick 8 = 2112
| Front Kick 8 = 2155
| Front Kick 9 = 2112
| Frostball = 2258
| Frostball 2 = 2258
| Hacking Blade 4 = 3024
| Hacking Blade 5 = 3024
| Hacking Blade 6 = 3024
| Hacking Blade 7 = 3024
| HagAgingScream = 3541
| HagAgingTouch = 3551
| Hate Zap Ball = 3070
| Headbutt = 3323
| Headbutt 10 = 3323
| Headbutt 2 = 3323
| Headbutt 3 = 3323
| Headbutt 7 = 3323
| Headbutt 8 = 3323
| Headbutt 9 = 3323
| Headcracker = 3423
| Headcracker 2 = 3423
| Heart Piercer 6 = 3444
| Heart Piercer 7 = 3444
| Heart Piercer 8 = 3444
| Heart Piercer 9 = 3444
| Heart Thorn = 3481
| Heart Thorn 2 = 3481
| Hip Throw 5 = 2110
| Hip Throw 6 = 2110
| Hip Throw 7 = 2110
| Hip Throw 8 = 2110
| HippoBite = 2152
| HippoBiteAndHeal = 2152
| Infuriating Fist 4 = 3627
| Infuriating Fist 5 = 3627
| Infuriating Fist 6 = 3627
| Infuriating Fist 7 = 3627
| Inject Venom = 3401
| Inject Venom 2 = 3401
| Invigorating Mist 5 = 2108
| Jab = 2203
| Jab 10 = 2203
| Jab 2 = 2203
| Jab 3 = 2203
| Jab 7 = 2203
| Jab 8 = 2203
| Jab 9 = 2203
| King of the Forest = 2247
| King of the Forest 2 = 2247
| Knee Kick 6 = 2204
| Knee Kick 7 = 2204
| Knee Kick 8 = 2204
| Knee Kick 9 = 2204
| Knife Slice = 3595
| Knockback Bolt = 3648
| Lend Grace 3 = 3606
| Lend Grace 4 = 3606
| Lethal Force = 3774
| Lethal Force 2 = 3774
| Lethal Force 3 = 3774
| Lethal Force 4 = 3774
| Lethal Force 5 = 3774
| Lethal Force 6 = 3774
| Life Crush = 3043
| Life Crush 2 = 3043
| Long Ear 4 = 3696
| Long Ear 5 = 3696
| Long Ear 6 = 3696
| Long Shot = 3305
| Long Shot 2 = 3305
| Mamba Strike 5 = 2240
| Mamba Strike 6 = 2240
| Mamba Strike 7 = 2240
| Mamba Strike 8 = 2240
| Mangling Shot = 3630
| Mangling Shot 2 = 3630
| Many Cuts 6 = 2113
| Many Cuts 7 = 2113
| Many Cuts 8 = 2113
| Many Cuts 9 = 2113
| Marked As Irrelevant = 3583
| Marking Cut = 3591
| Parry 6 = 2115
| Parry 7 = 2115
| Parry 8 = 2115
| Parry 9 = 2115
| Patch Armor = 2101
| Patch Armor 2 = 2101
| Poison Blade 4 = 3022
| Poison Blade 5 = 3022
| Poison Blade 6 = 3022
| Poison Bomb Toss = 3403
| Poison Bomb Toss 2 = 3403
| Precision Pierce 6 = 3047
| Precision Pierce 7 = 3047
| Precision Pierce 8 = 3047
| Precision Pierce 9 = 3047
| Premeditated Doom = 3555
| Premeditated Doom 2 = 3555
| Premeditated Doom 5 = 3555
| Premeditated Doom 6 = 3555
| Privacy Field = 3775
| Privacy Field 2 = 3775
| Privacy Field 3 = 3775
| Privacy Field 4 = 3775
| Privacy Field 5 = 3775
| Provoke Undead = 2237
| Provoke Undead 2 = 2237
| Punch = 2119
| Punch = 2119
| Punch 10 = 2119
| Punch 2 = 2119
| Punch 3 = 2119
| Punch 7 = 2119
| Punch 8 = 2119
| Punch 9 Pursuit Mode = 21193770| Pursuit Mode 2 = 3770| Pursuit Mode 3 = 3770
| Push Onward = 3469
| Push Onward 2 = 3469
| Quick Bash 8 = 3642
| Rabbit Scratch = 3690
| Rabbit Scratch 10 = 3690
| Rabbit Scratch 11 = 3690
| Rabbit Scratch 2 = 3690
| Rabbit Scratch 3 = 3690
| Riposte 6 = 2233
| Riposte 7 = 2233
| Riposte 8 = 2233
| Riposte 9 = 2233
| Room-Temperature Ball = 2209
| Room-Temperature Ball 2 = 2209
| Slashing Strike 3 = 3486
| Slashing Strike 4 = 3486
| Slashing Strike 5 = 3486
| Slashing Strike 6 = 3486
| Slice = 3595
| Slice 2 = 3595
| Smell Fear 5 = 2131
| Smell Fear 6 = 2131
| Smouldering Gaze = 3542
| Smouldering Gaze 2 = 3542
| Smouldering Gaze 3 = 3542
| Smouldering Gaze 4 = 3542
| Smouldering Gaze 5 = 3542
| Smouldering Gaze 6 = 3542
| Snail Rage = 2130
| Snail Rage = 2130
| Song of Resurgence 7 = 3663
| Song of Resurgence 8 = 3663
| Song of Resurgence 9 = 3663
| Sonic Burst = 3541
| Sonic Burst 2 = 3541
| Strike a Nerve 5 = 2124
| Strike a Nerve 6 = 2124
| Stun Trap = 3769
| Stun Trap = 3769
| Stun Trap 2 = 3769
| Stun Trap 3 = 3769
| Stun Trap 4 = 3769
| Stun Trap 5 = 3769
| Stunning Bash = 3446
| Stunning Bash 2 = 3446
| Sword Slash 6 = 2121
| Sword Slash 7 = 2121
| Sword Slash 8 = 2121
| Sword Slash 9 = 2121
| Sword Smash = 2121
| Sword Smash = 2121
| Thrusting Blade 4 = 3445
| Thrusting Blade 5 = 3445
| Thrusting Blade 6 = 3445
| Thrusting Blade 7 = 3445
| Thump = 3692
| Thump 10 = 3692
| Thump 2 = 3692
| Thump 3 = 3692
| Thump 7 = 3692
| Thump 8 = 3692
| Thump 9 = 3692
| Thunderous Note = 3674
| Thunderous Note 2 = 3674
| War Wizard's Battle Cry = 3660
| Warmthball = 2239
| Warning Jolt = 3772
| Warning Jolt 2 = 3772
| Warning Jolt 3 = 3772
| Warning Jolt 4 = 3772
| Warning Jolt 5 = 3772
| Warning Jolt 6 = 3772
| Wasp Blast (Pet) 1 = 2136
| Wasp Blast (Pet) 2 = 2136
| Wind Strike 6 = 2128
| Wind Strike 7 = 2128
| Wind Strike 8 = 2128
| Wind Strike 9 = 2128
| Wing Vortex = 3550
| Wing Vortex 2 = 3550
| #default = {{ #if: {{ #pos: {{{1|}}} | : }} | 4003 | <span style="color:red">Error: Ability not found</span> }}
}}.png |<span style="color:red">Error: Ability not found</span>.png |
<span style="color:red">Error: Ability not found</span> }} | [[File:Item-icon-none.png]] }}<noinclude>
{{Ability icon/Explanation}}
[[Category:Formatting templates]]