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Crafting Caravan

6,174 bytes added, 01:53, 20 January 2023
August 2021, January 2022, June 2022
The [[Crafting Caravan]] is a [[Seasonal Event]] that introduces Adventurers to a handful of traveling artisans seeking examples of local products. Completing crafting quests for the artisans grants rewards.==== January 2020 Caravan ====A redesigned [[Crafting Caravan]] is introduced, started when The main incentive for players logto participate are the large experience rewards; most quests reward experience approximately equivalent to the first-in and receive time bonus xp for producing the [[Event: The Crafting Caravan]] questrequired items. During In addition, quests after the event, first tier (~level 30+) also usually reward a {{Item|Crafter's Guild Token}} . Note: Although for the [[Leatherworking]] and [[Tailoring]] caravan quests, there are obtainedboth enchanted and non-enchanted versions of the lowest-level Rough suits requested, only the enchanted version will count for the quest, as noted in the table here.==Quests === Quests ==Intro Quest===; Intro Quest
* [[Event: The Crafting Caravan]]
; Tailoring* ===[[Event: A Rough Suit for RaimAlchemy]]* - [[Event: A Decent Suit for RaimAceri]]===* <dpl>category = Quests/Acerimode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: A Quality Suit for RaimArmorsmithing]]* - [[Event: An Amazing Suit for RaimThedar]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Thedarmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; Leatherworkingborder-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: A Rough Suit for TantaiBlacksmithing]]* - [[Event: A Decent Suit for TantaiGarad]]===* <dpl>category = Quests/Garadmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: A Quality Suit for TantaiBrewing]]* - [[Event: An Amazing Suit for TantaiRayar]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Rayarmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; Toolcraftingborder: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: Autopsy Kits for KimocCandle Making]]* - [[Event: Inspection Kits for KimocTorana]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Toranamode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl> * ===[[Event: Analysis Kits for KimocCarpentry]]* - [[Event: Astounding Kits for KimocKalrod]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Kalrodmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; Cheesemakingborder-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: Mild Cheddar Cheese for SerroldCheesemaking]]* - [[Event: Raclette Cheese for Serrold]]===* <dpl>category = Quests/Serroldmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: Edam Cheese for SerroldCooking]]* - [[Event: Feta Cheese for SerroldKinira]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Kiniramode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; Blacksmithingborder-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: Simple Armor Stakes for GaradFletching]]* - [[Event: Vises for GaradJopol]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Jopol* mode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: Master Armor Stakes for GaradFlower Arrangement]]* - [[Event: Amazing Armor Stakes for GaradDelia]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Deliamode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; Carpentrytext-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: Shoddy Chairs for KalrodJewelry Crafting]]* - [[Event: Crude Crates for KalrodMoxie]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Moxiemode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisites* tablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: Nice Crates for KalrodLeatherworking]]* - [[Event: Amazing Chairs for KalrodTantai]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Tantaimode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; Cookingborder-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>* ===[[Event: Venison Jerkey for KiniraMycology]]* - [[Event: Chicken and Broccoli for KiniraLoche]]===* <dpl>category = Quests/Lochemode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: Chicken Casserole for KiniraSaddlery]]* - [[Event: Vexfish Lettuce Wraps for KiniraVerac]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Veracmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; Brewingborder: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl> * ===[[Event: Pale Ale for RayarTailoring]]* - [[Event: Goblin Ale for RayarRaim]]===<dpl>* category = Quests/Raimmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>===[[Event: Brown Ale for RayarToolcrafting]]* - [[Event: Dwarven Stout for RayarKimoc]]===<dpl>category = Quests/Kimocmode = unorderedcolumns = 1table = border="1" style="background-color: #c9b89f; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; Alchemytext-align:center;" cellpadding="3",Quest,Requirements,Prerequisitestablesortcol=3include =#Requirements,#Prerequisites</dpl>==Past Caravan Information===== January 2023 ===* Added [[Event: Speed Potions for AceriSaddlery]]to the Caravan. Once again, the NPCs were rearranged slightly to accommodate the extra station. === September 2022 ===* [[Event: Gur-Horta for AceriArmorsmithing]]added to the Caravan. Crafting NPCs also rearranged somewhat to accommodate the change. ; Mycology=== August 2021, January 2022, June 2022 ===* No changes of note. === May 2021 Caravan ===* All repeatable caravan quests now have a 20 hour reset timer. (4 possible turn-ins during the event).* [[Event: Boletus Mushroom Smoothies for LocheTorana]], the Master Candle Maker, added.* Unique vanity pet added to [[EventOrran]] barter.* Advanced crafting options: Blood Mushroom Smoothies ** A new interactive menu for Loche]]{{Item|Amulet of the Rugged Traveler}} and {{Item|Windstep Shoes}} upgrade added.* * The unlock quests are no longer repeatable and only need to be done once. Event Notes: [[ https: Disastrous Spore Bombs for Loche]// September 2020 Caravan ===* [[Event: Nightmarish Spore Bombs for LocheJopol]], the Master Fletcher, added.; Flower Arrangement* Advanced crafting options:* * Master [[Event: Violet Bouquets for DeliaMoxie]]will allow you to upgrade an {{Item|Amulet of the Rugged Traveler}}.* * Master [[Event: Lumberjack Arrangements for DeliaRaim]]will allow you to upgrade a pair of {{Item|Windstep Shoes}}.* Master Cook [[Event: Fisherman Arrangements for DeliaKinira]]'s {{Item|Apprentice Surprise}} added. (This is a one-time interaction for each character. Keep stepping through the dialog options to have the opportunity experience some existential horror and some unique gourmand XP.)* [Event Notes: [ https: Dandelion Bouquets for Delia]//]; Jewelry Crafting=== May 2020 Caravan===* No changes of note. === January 2020 Caravan ===A redesigned [[Crafting Caravan]] was introduced, including the introduction of [[Crafter's Guild Token]]s which can be traded to the Crafter's Guild Leader, [[Event: Nice Jewelry for MoxieOrran]], for specialty goods.* [Event Blog: [ https: Great Jewelry for Moxie]//]
==== June 2019 Caravan ====
{{Quote|source=In-game pop-up|
A roaming caravan of miscellaneous master crafters and their apprentices have made a stop at the Red Wing Casino for a few days of rest, relaxation, restocking and a chance to study some of the local crafts. They have rented the Theater Room for their staging area. Go pay them a visit and see if they can help you advance your craft skills faster! All crafting tasks are repeatable every 12 hours while the event lasts. There is a Special Event Portal provided in Serbule near the north gate of the Keep. Enjoy!
:''' Cooking Basic''' - 1600 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Apprentice''' - 4800 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Master''' - 8000 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Expert''' - 11000 XP per task. (18 hour cd):''' Blacksmithing Apprentice''' - 4800 XP per task.:''' Blacksmithing Master''' - 8000 XP per task.
:''' Toolcrafting Master''' - XP per task.
:''' Toolcrafting Apprentice''' - 4800 XP per task.
:''' Alchemist Apprentice''' - XP per task.
==== Event Time ==Past Caravan Dates ==
* June 16, 2019 - June 19, 2019.
* January 17, 2020 - January 19, 2020.
* May 29, 2020 - May 31, 2020.
* September 25, 2020 - September 27, 2020.
* May 28, 2021 - May 30, 2021.
* August 27, 2021 - August 29, 2021.
[[Category:Seasonal Event]]