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1,837 bytes added, 04:17, 22 January 2020
adding examples
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Document}}{{KW|GoblinCallingCard}}{{KW|GoblinTrash}}{{KW|VendorTrash}}</p>
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Large Gold Dragon Statue
|description = A large dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
|value = 924
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Blacksmithing}}{{KW|Gold}}{{KW|Statue}}</p>
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Pale Rum
|description = Sweet and strong, with the distinctive odor of molasses. In far-off lands, ranalon produce and drink rum in tremendous quantities, but it's less common -- and less delicious -- in Alharth.
|value = 1222
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|AlcoholBarrel}}{{KW|AlcoholLevel=30}}{{KW|BrewingIngredient}}{{KW|Drink}}</p><p>{{KW|HardLiquor}}{{KW|HardLiquorBarrel}}{{KW|Lint_ImplicitKeywords}}</p>
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Shoddy Leather Boots
|description = These boots are abysmal, leaky, and humiliating to wear.
|basemods = {{Attribute|MAX_ARMOR|+6}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA|+2}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA|+1}}<br>
|value = 15
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| craftpoints = 120
| equipslot = Feet
| stack = 1
| dye = 1:{{Color sample|#999933}}2:{{Color sample|#888833}}3:{{Color sample|#777733}}
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Crafted}}{{KW|Equipment}}</p><p>{{KW|Feet}}{{KW|Hideous}}{{KW|LeatherArmor}}{{KW|LeatherBoots}}</p><p>{{KW|LeatherDyeableArmor}}{{KW|Loot}}{{KW|Ugly}}</p>