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Holistic Wellness: 'Obsequious'

1,454 bytes added, 07:18, 28 January 2020
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Lakrea told you to work the word 'obsequious' into your next conversation.

Obsequious: adjective: too eager to help or obey someone. Fawning.

(Note: if you use the word out of context, the game won't know, but <i>you'll</i> know that you lost 10,000 Roleplay Points.)

This Quest can be repeated after 72 hours.

To start this quest, talk to '''[[Lakrea]]''' in '''[[Rahu]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Despised}} favor. You must have previously completed [[Holistic Wellness: 'Maladaptive']] in order to undertake this quest.

You need to expand your useful vocabulary. Not your total vocabulary, your <i>useful</i> vocabulary. You know thousands of words that you never think to use in daily life. Am I right? Of course I'm right. Here's a word to use: 'obsequious'.

<i>[ Obsequious: adjective: too eager to help or obey someone. Fawning. ]</i>

Just find a place to work that into your next conversation. But don't use it out of context! Use it right!

* Use 'Obsequious' In a Conversation
* Talk to Lakrea

{{Quote|Good! Your vocabulary is growing! ... I'd use 'obsequious' in a sentence here, but half of knowing vocabulary is knowing when <i>not</i> to force it into a conversation.}}
* 0 {{Favor|favor}}
* 50 XP in HolisticWellness
* random items

[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Rahu Quests]][[Category:Quests/Lakrea]]