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Sinewy Cat Meat

446 bytes added, 23:06, 21 February 2020
Creating page
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Sinewy Cat Meat
|description = This cat meat might be fresh. Or it might not be. It's so gross that it'd be hard to tell the difference.

(Use in Cheap Meat recipes.)
|value = 5
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 99
| keywords = <p>{{KW|AlchemyIngredient}}{{KW|CatMeat}}{{KW|CheapMeat}}{{KW|CookingIngredient}}</p><p>{{KW|Meat}}</p>

=== How to Obtain ===

=== Gifting ===

=== Lore ===