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64 bytes added, 10:59, 9 April 2015
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{{MOB infobox
| type = Arthropod
| armor = 261266| health = 3402302| rage = 328475
| notoriety = 400
| curse = Not So Smart Anymore
| ineffective = Slashing, Nature (Very)
 '''Sherzat''' is a Mantis boss. When you attack her a few [[Baby Slime|Baby Slimes ]] will come to her defense.
Sherzat was one of the first of the Mantis race to be taught [[Mentalism]] techniques by the wizard [[Dalvos]]. On his hunt for Dalvos, [[General Lavorel]] encountered the augmented Mantis species and further taught them magical methods. These new techniques included the enslavement of the native slimes and the procedure to store large quantities of electricity in lower creatures. - {{Lore|General Lavorel's Diary}}, {{Lore|Science Journal}}
; [[Under the Hand]]
: At the bridges area take to the right, Sherzat awaits in a large squarish room in the middle of green smog.
Out of combat power regeneration -50%, direct damage +5%
==Combat Abilities==
* Slashing Damage
* Ranged Acid Damage, Permanent Debuff* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Very Heavy Acid Damage (Permanant Debuff)
==CurseMiscellaneous==Out of combat power regeneration -50%, direct damage +5%* Level: ?* Skin: None* Meat: None* Skull: None
==Reported Loot==
*Augmented Mantis Claw
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Under the Hand Bosses]][[Category:Arthropod]][[Category:Gorgon]]