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Nature Elemental

588 bytes added, 00:50, 21 July 2015
Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{MOB infobox | type = Elemental | armor = 286 | health = 824 | rage = 608 | effective = Fire, Cold, Electricity | ineffective = Psychic (Very) | immune = Nature }} ..."
{{MOB infobox
| type = Elemental
| armor = 286
| health = 824
| rage = 608
| effective = Fire, Cold, Electricity
| ineffective = Psychic (Very)
| immune = Nature

'''Nature Elementals''' are fairly tanky compared to the other Elementals..

; [[Goblin Dungeon]]
: Found in Red annex.

==Combat Abilities==
* Ranged Electricity Damage
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Burst Nature Debuff

* Skin: None
* Meat: None
* Skull: None

==Reported Loot==
* Hatred and Fear Oils
* Level 30 gear

[[Category:Goblin Dungeon Creatures]]