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Project: Gorgon Wiki β



1 byte added, 17:27, 14 November 2020
Create ability page
| description = Corrupt the target's mind, ripping away their memories.
| level = 15
| power cost = 4348
| reuse time = 60
| range = 20 meters
| description = Corrupt the target's mind, ripping away their memories.
| level = 30
| power cost = 5865
| reuse time = 60
| range = 20 meters
| description = Corrupt the target's mind, ripping away their memories.
| level = 45
| power cost = 6882
| reuse time = 60
| range = 20 meters
| description = Corrupt the target's mind, ripping away their memories.
| level = 60
| power cost = 7997
| reuse time = 60
| range = 20 meters
| description = Corrupt the target's mind, ripping away their memories.
| level = 75
| power cost = 93114
| reuse time = 60
| range = 20 meters