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Anagoge Travel Log

215 bytes removed, 21:05, 26 November 2020
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|type=<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;font-size:15px20px;">Welcome . . . to Anagoge Island!</span>|info=<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;font-size:15px;">You may What you see before you will hopefully be feeling somewhat confused. Don’t worry, that’s normal around these parts. You’re without memories in a land filled with mystery and wonderdetailed breakdown of what you can see, following a branching path many before you have set forth upon. Within these writingsdo, those with patience may find and learn on the near-lost history starting island of a land ravaged by timeAnagoge. Others seek wisdomIt is currently, glimpses at their future potential. If this is your first time visiting this libraryvery much, be aware that everything recorded has been a work-in-progress and it's formatting will probably change multiple times as I learn more wiki keywords and solidify all the data so through the contributions of generous adventurersplease bear with me. Perhaps one day you too will record knowledge here!</span><br/><br/>(<i>NOTE: Most pages on the Project: Gorgon Wiki (including this one) contain open spoilers. The page for Anagoge Island is formatted I will try to allow for new players seeking specific answers to retain an essence of exploration and discovery)hide the most spoilery bit behind expandable tags, but if you want the purest experience then you probably shouldn't be using the Wiki anyway.</i>
{{MAP infobox
| name = Anagoge Island(Marked)
| mapimage = [[File:AnagogeMarkedMap.jpg|400px]]
| portaldesc = Quest Given
| pclevel = 1-10
(This is currently a placeholder and active Work-in-Progress page to help Adventurers new and old get the most out of their journeys on this island)