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Alcohol Tolerance

160 bytes added, 21:43, 22 May 2021
Added notes on Alcohol and death
Warning: If your eyes are easily prone to bright light or headaches, take caution in working this skill, especially if you plan on taking 3 beer and 1 liquor dose to maximize the xp. The after effect of doing fully intoxicated is a very bright light which will effect your game-play and how well you can see in the world. as long as you don't take 4 doses in one go you will avoid this scenario.
Warning: The bright world debuff is a permanent effect during morning time in zones like gaz and kur is very hard to see chat and the world is super bright. (no fix from in game method)
Dying does not remove the intoxication effects of alcohol. It's possible to die multiple times from the same intoxication effect. Drink Responsibly!