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Guild:Ashes To Ashes

20 bytes added, 08:33, 17 June 2021
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'''No prerequisites''' required. '''Casual''' guild that '''welcomes new players'''.
=== Backstory ===
Level 11 guild created 20JAN19. We have been growing ever since (269 272 including alts / 300). We have members from various time zones including Aus, EU, and US; but recently EU and US have the most activity. We have several active weekend warriors.
== Organization ==
We are looking for persons that would eventually like to take on officer roles, coasting as veteran is permissible. '''Promotion''' is based upon active participation in guild related activities. '''(guild quests, helping guildmates past those in-game hurdles, recruiting, organizing guild activity)''' New members start as a '''Candidate''', but promotion through '''Member''' level to the '''Veteran''' level may be achieved within 3 months based upon active guild support and at least one combat skill at level 50+. Promotion gains access to more guild chests and Veterans have access to all guild chests. Officer roles (includes authorization to promote, etc.) go to those Veterans who take on organization of guild activities.
=== Recruitment ===
Candidates and above may issue guild invites, '''just ask'''. In game look for Trumend (alts: Truwood, Trurend, Trupet), MesonTarmac, Atishoo, Sarronna, Sprurvur, or katoroadie.
=== Other ===
Our guild documentation (a google spreadsheet) features a '''New Player Advice''' tab.