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Animal Husbandry

1,153 bytes added, 23:25, 4 October 2021
{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics: added info from patch notes
*[[Basics of Animal Husbandry]]
*[[The Traits of a Pet]]
There's a limit on the number of pets you can breed at once, and this limit is per-account, not per-player, similar to limit on player workorders. (The limit increases as you raise Animal Husbandry, but the total across all your characters can't exceed this character's current limit.)
One of the fun things about breeding pets is selling or giving away the babies to interested parties. Pets can be "stored", turning them into items which can be given to other players. These players can then use the item to add that pet to their stable.
But there are caveats! First, only pets that were born in your stables can be sold. Pets that you capture in the wild can never be sold to others. (This means, for instance, that you can't capture and resell Hissy.) Second, you'll need to obtain a Pet Cage item -- and this will require a gadgeteer player who knows the recipe. And lastly, pet cages can't contain a pet forever! Each type of pet cage has a maximum lifespan. If the pet isn't taken out of the cage (and put into somebody's stable) before that time runs out, the pet escapes and is lost forever. (In other words, the cage item self-destructs.)
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}