How to add your own image
- To upload images, visit Special:Upload.
- When uploading them, please add a description and category in the summary box.
- To add an image to this category, put [[Category:Imagecategory]] in that image article.
- Add to a page by using the Gallery widget or by using the code
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible) [view] [edit] [history] [refresh]
![]() | This template was copied from Template:Imagecategory on Wikia Templates. That wiki should periodically be checked for a new version of this template. |
- Description
- This template may be placed on any image category page, to help users understand how to upload and add images to that category.
- Syntax
- To use the template, type a short description of the image category followed by
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Please add categories and interwikis to Template:Imagecategory/doc. (View all subpages of this page.)