Knife Fighting/Treasure Effects

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See also: Knife Fighting/Treasure Effects:By Slot

See also: Knife Fighting/Treasure Effects:By Ability

Prefix Suffix Max-Level Version Rarity Slot [Collapse] Other Versions
of Daggering Level 100 - Knife Base Damage +50% Uncommon Head, MainHand

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Level 100 - Knife abilities with 'Cut' in their name cause all Knife abilities WITHOUT 'Cut' in their name to have a 48% chance to deal +39% damage for 10 seconds Uncommon Chest, Hands

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Poisoner's of Slow Painful Deaths Level 100 - Indirect Poison Damage +60% when Knife Fighting is active. Indirect Trauma Damage +60% when Knife Fighting is active Uncommon Necklace, OffHand

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Indefatigable of Relentless Knifing Level 100 - When wielding two knives, all Knife abilities have a 33% chance to restore 53 Power Uncommon Head, Ring

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of Precision Throwing Level 100 - Fan of Blades, Hamstring Throw, and Surprise Throw deal +25% damage and reuse timer is -1 second Uncommon Legs, OffHand

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of Ice Throwing Level 50 - All Knife abilities add 4 Crystal Ice to your inventory. Fan of Blades, Hamstring Throw, and Surprise Throw reuse timer is -1 second. Epic MainHand

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of Critical Throws Level 100 - Fan of Blades, Hamstring Throw, and Surprise Throw deal +100 damage and can Critically Hit based on your Anatomy skill levels Rare Head

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of Cutting With Both Hands Level 100 - When wielding two knives, Knife abilities with 'Cut' in their name deal +43% damage Rare OffHand, Necklace

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Stab-Happy Level 95 - Knife abilities with 'Cut' in their name leave a Lasting Mark in the target for 30 seconds. When the target dies, each Lasting Mark hastens the active reset time of Backstab by 3 seconds, or if Backstab isn't on your ability bar, you instead recover 36 Power and your next Slice attack deals +80 damage. Epic OffHand, Ring

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of Sneaky Stabs Level 100 - Taunt from Attack Damage -24% and Rage From Attacks -10.5% while Knife Fighting skill active Uncommon Head, Ring

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of Opening Thrusts Level 100 - Opening Thrust heals you for 18 health Uncommon Legs, Necklace

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Level 100 - For 10 seconds after using Opening Thrust, all knife abilities with 'Cut' in their name deal +60 damage Uncommon OffHand, MainHand

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Level 100 - For 10 seconds after using Opening Thrust, all Knife abilities gain +20 Accuracy and have a 20% chance to deal +25% damage Uncommon Chest, Hands

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of Marking Cuts Level 100 - Marking Cut Damage +94% Uncommon MainHand, Feet

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Deathmarker's of Bloody Marks Level 100 - Marking Cut causes target to take +31% damage from Trauma attacks for 10 seconds Uncommon Hands, Chest

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of Subtle Marks Level 100 - Marking Cut deals +146 armor damage and does not cause the target to shout for help Uncommon Necklace

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of Predictive Marks Level 100 - Marking Cut deals +60 damage and grants +85 Accuracy to your next Knife ability Uncommon Legs

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of Poisoned Blurs Level 100 - Blur Cut deals 215 Poison damage over 10 seconds Uncommon Chest, Legs

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of Blurry Recuperation Level 100 - Blur Cut restores 35 Health Uncommon Head, MainHand

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Burst-Evading of Blurriness Level 100 - Blur Cut boosts Burst Evasion by 28% for 8 seconds Uncommon Feet, Ring

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of Unstunnable Blurriness Level 100 - Blur Cut grants a 49% chance to ignore stuns for 8 seconds Uncommon OffHand, Necklace

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Poison Slicer's of Poisoned Slices Level 100 - Slice deals 275 Poison damage over 10 seconds Uncommon Chest, Feet

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Poisoner's of Poisonous Cuts Level 100 - Poisoner's Cut has a 50% chance to deal +143% damage Uncommon Legs, Necklace

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Level 100 - Poisoner's Cut Damage +63% Uncommon Head, Ring

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Level 100 - Poisoner's Cut boosts Indirect Poison Damage an additional +20 per tick Uncommon Legs, OffHand

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Level 100 - Poisoner's Cut boosts Direct Poison Damage an additional +79 per attack Uncommon Chest, Feet

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Fending of Fending Level 100 - Fending Blade deals +102 damage and reduces Rage by 600 Uncommon Head, Legs

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of Patient Fending Level 100 - Fending Blade restores 41 Health to you and reduces the target's Rage by 400 Uncommon Feet, Ring

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Level 100 - Fending Blade restores 44 Power Uncommon Hands, Ring

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Slicing of Slicing Level 100 - Slice Damage +44% Uncommon Chest, Feet

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of Critical Slicing Level 100 - Slice has a 40% chance to deal +57% damage and restore 105 armor Uncommon Hands, Necklace

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of Armor Slicing Level 100 - Slice ignores mitigation from armor and deals +101 damage Uncommon Legs

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of Jagged Slices Level 100 - Slice deals +86 damage and causes target to suffer +86 damage from future attacks for 30 seconds Rare OffHand

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of Mass-Dueling Level 100 - Duelist's Slash hits all targets within 8 meters and deals +82 damage Rare Hands

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of Critical Dueling Level 100 - Duelist's Slash deals +82 damage and for 12 seconds afterwards all melee Knife abilities can Critically Hit based on your Anatomy skill levels. Rare Ring

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Venomized of Venom Level 100 - Venomstrike Damage +52% Uncommon Feet, OffHand

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of Poisonous Stabbing Level 100 - Venomstrike deals an additional 375 Poison damage over 10 seconds Uncommon MainHand, Ring

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Level 100 - Venomstrike deals +100 damage and has a 50% chance to stun the target Uncommon OffHand, Hands

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of Horrific Intestinal Injuries Level 100 - Gut deals an additional 440 Trauma damage over 10 seconds if the target is not focused on you Uncommon Chest, Feet

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of Gutting Level 100 - Gut Damage +138 Uncommon Head, Legs

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Level 100 - Gut deals +80 direct damage, and if target Is not focused on you it deals +40% Trauma damage over 10 seconds Uncommon MainHand, OffHand

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Level 100 - Gut deals +67% direct damage and reuse timer is -1 second Uncommon Chest, Necklace

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Backstabber's of Backstabbing Level 100 - Backstab Damage +56.99% Uncommon Necklace, Ring

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of Stabbing Relief Level 100 - Backstab deals +198 direct damage. You recover 198 Health (or Armor, if Health is full) over 12 seconds. Uncommon Head, MainHand

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of Bloody Backstabs Level 100 - Backstab deals an additional 1400 Trauma damage over 10 seconds if the target is not focused on you. Uncommon Legs, Feet

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Elite Backstabber's Level 100 - Backstab deals +85% Direct Damage to Elite targets Rare Hands

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of Stunstabbing Level 100 - Backstab deals +85% Direct Damage if target is stunned Rare MainHand

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of Surging Cuts Level 100 - Surge Cut restores +72 Health to you Uncommon MainHand, Necklace

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Level 100 - Surge Cut restores 67 Power to you Uncommon Chest, Legs

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Level 100 - Surge Cut deals 305 Trauma damage over 10 seconds Uncommon Head, Ring

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Hamstringer's of Hamstringing Level 100 - Hamstring Throw Damage +76% Uncommon Chest, Hands

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of Hamstringing Level 100 - Hamstring Throw deals +149 direct health damage Uncommon Feet, MainHand

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Sickener's of Sickening Knives Level 100 - Hamstring Throw deals +125 direct health damage and causes the target to take +15% damage from Trauma for 20 seconds Uncommon Ring, Necklace

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Surprising of Surprise Throws Level 100 - Surprise Throw Damage +40% Uncommon Head, Necklace

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of Stunning Surprises Level 100 - Surprise Throw deals +134 damage and stuns the target if they are not focused on you Uncommon Chest

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of Surprise Power Level 100 - Surprise Throw restores 80 Power if the target is not focused on you Uncommon Ring, Hands

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of Epic Surprises Level 100 - Surprise Throw boosts your Epic Attack Damage +206 for 30 seconds if the target is not focused on you Uncommon Legs, Feet

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of Fanning Blades Level 100 - Fan of Blades Damage +40% Uncommon Hands, MainHand

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of Pushy Knives Level 100 - Fan of Blades deals +21% damage to all targets and knocks them backwards Uncommon Hands, OffHand

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Level 100 - Fan of Blades deals +116 damage and causes targets to take +22.4% damage from Poison for 30 seconds Uncommon Head, Feet

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