Sword/Treasure Effects

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See also: Sword/Treasure Effects:By Slot

See also: Sword/Treasure Effects:By Ability

Prefix Suffix Max-Level Version Slot [Collapse] Other Versions
Swordsman's of Swordsmanship Level 80 - Sword Base Damage +40% Head, MainHand

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Rallying of Rallying Level 75 - All sword abilities deal +17% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left Legs

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Slashy of Slashing Level 80 - Sword Damage +70 Chest, Feet

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Refortifying of Refortifying Level 75 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 18 armor Chest

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of Effortless Parrying Level 80 - Parry and Riposte Damage +20% and Power Cost -8 Feet, Ring

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of Defensive Sword Mastery Level 80 - All Sword abilities have a 22% chance to restore 30 Health to you Hands, OffHand

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Razorslash Level 80 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +71 Chest, Hands

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Riposter's of Riposting Level 80 - Riposte Damage +62% Chest, Hands

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of Many Cuts Level 80 - Many Cuts deals +110 armor damage Legs, MainHand

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of Dazing the Naked Level 75 - Many Cuts deals +21% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33% Feet

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of Flinging the Naked Level 80 - Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +40 damage Head, Feet

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of Arthropod Slicing Level 80 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +134 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles) Necklace, MainHand

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Rage Poking Level 75 - Precision Pierce deals +40 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 240 Head, Legs

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of Rapid Finishes Level 80 - Wind Strike hastens the current reuse timer of Finishing Blow by 6 seconds Ring

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of Fast Decapitation Level 80 - Debilitating Blow hastens the current reuse timer of Decapitate by 8 seconds Necklace

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of Explosive Cuts Level 80 - Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +30 damage Hands

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of Fast Decapitation Level 80 - Decapitate Reuse Timer -11 Hands

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Belaying of Belaying Level 80 - Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 680 Head, Legs

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Repositioning Level 80 - Parry restores 26 health Necklace, OffHand

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of Deflective Swordplay Level 80 - Parry and Riposte Damage +49% Chest

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of Masterful Parrying Level 80 - Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +30 damage Hands

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Repositioning Level 80 - Riposte restores 53 armor MainHand, Head

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of Feinting Level 80 - Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +114 damage Legs

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Platestriker Level 80 - Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 108 armor damage Legs, MainHand

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of the Wind Level 80 - Wind Strike deals +38% damage and gives you +16 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) Necklace, MainHand

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of Finishing Elements Level 30 - Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 10 seconds OffHand

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Wind Dancer's Level 30 - Wind Strike gives you +50% projectile evasion for 5 seconds MainHand

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Level 80 - Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +29% Chest, Feet

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of Mortifying Wounds Level 80 - Decapitate deals +80 damage and briefly terrifies the target Legs

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Paladin's Level 1 - Flashing Strike deals +25% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 4 seconds Chest

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of Resurgence Level 80 - Finishing Blow restores 42 Power to you Head, Hands

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of Finishing Blows Level 80 - Finishing Blow Damage +44% Legs, MainHand

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of Final Swordplay Level 80 - Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +150 Feet, Ring

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Death Vigor Level 80 - Finishing Blow restores 104 armor to you Chest, OffHand

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of Decapitations Level 80 - Decapitate Damage +47.5% Legs, MainHand

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Level 80 - Decapitate restores 165 armor to you Chest, OffHand

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Level 80 - Decapitate deals +425 damage to non-Elite targets Head, Necklace

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of Flashing Life Level 80 - Flashing Strike heals you for 55 health OffHand, Ring

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Level 80 - Flashing Strike Damage +50% Legs, MainHand

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of Flashing Life Level 80 - Flashing Strike deals +217 damage to undead Head, Necklace

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Level 80 - Heart Piercer heals you for 40 health OffHand, Ring

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of De-escalating Heart Piercing Level 80 - Heart Piercer removes (up to) 212 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage Chest, Feet

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of Heart Piercing Level 80 - Heart Piercer deals +18% piercing damage and heals you for 23 health Ring, Necklace

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Precision Healer's Level 80 - Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 18 Health to you OffHand, Ring

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Level 80 - Precision Pierce Damage +64 Chest, Feet

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of Perfectly Timed Piercing Level 80 - Precision Pierce deals +145% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds Chest, Ring

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Level 80 - For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +64 damage Hands, Legs

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Level 1 - Chance to Ignore Stuns +25% when Sword is active Feet, Necklace

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of Hacking Blades Level 80 - Hacking Blade Direct Damage +38% Head, Ring

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Hacking Level 80 - Hacking Blade deals +192 Trauma damage over 12 seconds Feet, MainHand

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Hacking Level 80 - Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 138 Trauma damage over 12 seconds Necklace, OffHand

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Level 80 - Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 325 Hands, Legs

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Debilitating Level 80 - Debilitating Blow Damage +55% Head, OffHand

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Debilitating Level 80 - Debilitating Blow deals +40 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +75 damage for 7 seconds Necklace, Ring

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