Amazing Arrow

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Amazing Arrow
A perfectly weighted arrow with quality fletching and supernatural accuracy.
Value: 0.3

Stack Size:

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Lvl Name Ingredients Results
53 Amazing Arrow icon_6266.png Amazing Arrowheads x1
icon_5233.png Amazing Arrow Shafts x1
icon_5226.png Precision Fletchings x1
icon_6258.png Amazing Arrow x1000

Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes




Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance Stick Chance
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 1 Always 80%
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 4 Always 60%
icon_3318.png  Multishot Beginner's Arrow x5 Archery 8 Always Never
icon_3321.png  Blitz Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 10 Always 85%
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 14 Always 70%
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 18 Always 50%
icon_3318.png  Multishot 2 Basic Arrow x5 Archery 23 Always Never
icon_3321.png  Blitz Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 25 Always 80%
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot 3 Advanced Arrow (or better) Archery 30 Always 65%
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot 3 Advanced Arrow (or better) Archery 35 Always 40%
icon_3318.png  Multishot 3 Advanced Arrow x5 Archery 40 Always Never
icon_3321.png  Blitz Shot 3 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 42 Always 75%
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot 4 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 44 Always 60%
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot 4 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 50 Always 30%
icon_3321.png  Blitz Shot 4 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 51 Always 70%
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot 5 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 53 Always 55%
icon_3318.png  Multishot 4 Expert's Arrow x5 Archery 57 Always Never
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot 5 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 60 Always 20%
icon_3321.png  Blitz Shot 5 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 62 Always 65%
icon_3310.png  Basic Shot 6 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 64 Always 45%
icon_3318.png  Multishot 5 Amazing Arrow x5 Archery 65 Always Never
icon_3315.png  Aimed Shot 6 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 70 Always 10%

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location Notes
Event: Amazing Arrows for Jopol 10000 (Collect) 12 Hours Unknown Unknown Unknown
Work Order

Turn in 10000x Amazing Arrow to Ogamboe for 7079 councils. Requires Industry Level 43.

Other Uses
