Template:ITEM infobox/doc

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< Template:ITEM infobox
Revision as of 09:14, 5 December 2020 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (slightly reworded the quality section regarding defaults (no functional change))
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Use this template to illustrate in infobox of an item as it appears in-game.


{{ITEM infobox
|name =


REQUIRED. This should match the name of the item.
OPTIONAL. This field is used to change the color of the name of the item. Options are common, uncommon, rare, exceptional, epic, legendary. Defaults to common (white).
OPTIONAL. This field is used for items like the Windstep Shoes that have a skill-based requirement. Animal form requirements are also listed here. This text will appear red.
REQUIRED. Matches the in-game description of the item.
OPTIONAL. Used on gear or items that grant attributes when consumed. See examples below for details on use.
REQUIRED. The in-game value of the item.
OPTIONAL. See next section for details.

ITEM EXTRA infobox Parameters


Optional. The number of Crafting Points the item has.


Optional. The Equip Slot the item fits into.


Optional. The Maximum stack size for the item.


Required. Uses KW template to add keywords to the page (and will eventually display them).

Sample item output

{{ITEM infobox
|name = Fire Dust
|description = This bright red powder always feels warm to the touch.
|basemods =
|value = 90
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
 | stack =  99
 | keywords = {{KW|AlchemyIngredient}}{{KW|FireDust}}{{KW|MagicDust}}
Fire Dust
This bright red powder always feels warm to the touch.
Value: 90

Sample gear output

{{ITEM infobox
|name = Windstep Shoes
|quality= legendary
|skillreqs= Endurance 40
|description = Popular with elven messengers, these elegant cloth footwraps make your feet move much faster! But they don't protect your feet very well, so you'll need significant endurance to tolerate the numerous stubbed toes and sprained ankles.
|basemods ={{Attribute|MAX_ARMOR|+25}}<br>{{Attribute|SPRINT_BOOST|+2}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA|+30}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA|+27}}
|value = 150
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
 | craftpoints = 100
 | equipslot = Feet
 | stack =  1
 | keywords = {{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Equipment}}{{KW|Feet}} {{KW|ClothArmor}}{{KW|ClothBoots}}{{KW|ClothDyableArmor}}{{KW|Fashionable}}{{KW|Loot}}
Windstep Shoes
Endurance 40
Popular with elven messengers, these elegant cloth footwraps make your feet move much faster! But they don't protect your feet very well, so you'll need significant endurance to tolerate the numerous stubbed toes and sprained ankles.
icon_101.png Max Armor

icon_108.png Sprint Speed Boost

icon_105.png Health from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Power from Combat Refresh Abilities
Value: 150