From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Pages in category "Items/TitleScroll"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 455 total.
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- Title: 'A Cleverly Disguised Lemon'
- Title: 'A God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals'
- Title: 'A Little Floofy'
- Title: 'Accident Prone'
- Title: 'Accomplished Hobo'
- Title: 'Adequate Gamer'
- Title: 'Adherent of the Patient Mistress'
- Title: 'Agent of Entropy'
- Title: 'Agent of the Black Council'
- Title: 'Alharth Rebel'
- Title: 'Alharth's Beastmaster'
- Title: 'Ambassador of Ri-Shin'
- Title: 'Angry Skeleton'
- Title: 'Anima Lunaris'
- Title: 'Anomaly'
- Title: 'Anti-Savior of the Goats'
- Title: 'Arcane Enthusiast'
- Title: 'Artifex'
- Title: 'Athennna!'
- Title: 'Baconator'
- Title: 'Bane of the Dark'
- Title: 'Battle Yak'
- Title: 'Bearer of Hope'
- Title: 'Big-Headed'
- Title: 'Black Market Wish Dealer'
- Title: 'Blade Runner'
- Title: 'Blue Pack'
- Title: 'Boop'
- Title: 'Bourbonite'
- Title: 'Bright Lord'
- Title: 'Burmese Assassin'
- Title: 'Business Bovine'
- Title: 'Cabbage Knight'
- Title: 'Cannon Fodder'
- Title: 'Carries Their Home On Their Back'
- Title: 'Cautionary Tale in Progress'
- Title: 'Cerebral Conjurer'
- Title: 'Chapter of the Crown Knights'
- Title: 'Cheese Hoarder'
- Title: 'Child of Winter'
- Title: 'Chomp Chomp'
- Title: 'Chooser of the Slain'
- Title: 'Circumspectus'
- Title: 'Civil Servant'
- Title: 'Concubine'
- Title: 'Conqueror of Alharth'
- Title: 'Corpse Kisser'
- Title: 'Corvid'
- Title: 'Crab-bearer'
- Title: 'Crafty'
- Title: 'Crazy Bird Lady'
- Title: 'Crazy Cat Lady'
- Title: 'Crosser of Roads'
- Title: 'Daddy'
- Title: 'Dame Ingenuity'
- Title: 'Dankbuds'
- Title: 'Dark Priest of Volmue'
- Title: 'Dastardly Dazzling Devil'
- Title: 'Dazed N Confused'
- Title: 'Deadbeat'
- Title: 'Deathstalker'
- Title: 'Deer God'
- Title: 'Deer of Purity'
- Title: 'Demon Lord'
- Title: 'Devil Who Shoots Across the Sky'
- Title: 'Dirt Farmer'
- Title: 'Dirty Animal'
- Title: 'Dirty Old Man'
- Title: 'Disciple of The Fist'
- Title: 'Disguised Dolphin'
- Title: 'Doctor of War'
- Title: 'Doesn't Want A Title'
- Title: 'Domesticated Animal'
- Title: 'Dominus Umbra'
- Title: 'Doomsayer'
- Title: 'Dragonmaster'
- Title: 'Dragonsong'
- Title: 'Dragonspire Merchants'
- Title: 'Dreadnaught'
- Title: 'Dreams of popping gems into existence'
- Title: 'Drowsy'
- Title: 'Druid of Zoar'
- Title: 'Drunken Champion'
- Title: 'Drunken Menace'
- Title: 'Duck Prophet'
- Title: 'Dwarf'
- Title: 'Dwarven King'
- Title: 'Earthy Flavor With Woody Notes'
- Title: 'Easily amused'
- Title: 'Eater of Tasty Stuff'
- Title: 'Ebonysouled'
- Title: 'Eggsellent Hunter'
- Title: 'Einherjar'
- Title: 'Elder Lich'
- Title: 'Elemental Goddess'
- Title: 'Elf in Human form'
- Title: 'Elven Orgy Lube Dispenser'
- Title: 'Ember Mage'
- Title: 'Ember of Dwyndarre'
- Title: 'Emo Makeout Party Finalist'
- Title: 'Endlessly confused'
- Title: 'Enemy of Enoyos'
- Title: 'Enigmatic'
- Title: 'Eruvant'
- Title: 'Everything Will Be All Right'
- Title: 'Executive Cheesemonger'
- Title: 'Expert Cave Explorer'
- Title: 'Extra Medium'
- Title: 'Extremely Bullheaded'
- Title: 'Extremely Venomous'
- Title: 'Fae Pride'
- Title: 'Faerly Fabulous'
- Title: 'Fairy Fish'
- Title: 'Fallen Angel'
- Title: 'Fancy Beast'
- Title: 'Fascinating, Captain'
- Title: 'Fate Weaver'
- Title: 'Firestarter'
- Title: 'First Lord Commander'
- Title: 'Flesh Wound Giver'
- Title: 'Fluffy Fluffer'
- Title: 'Foehammer'
- Title: 'Force of Nature'
- Title: 'Forsaken by the RNGeezus'
- Title: 'Fox on the Run'
- Title: 'Fox Rox'
- Title: 'Foxfyre'
- Title: 'Free Folk'
- Title: 'Friend of Darkness'
- Title: 'Friend of the Forest'
- Title: 'Friend of the Manatees'
- Title: 'Full Coffee Alchemist'
- Title: 'Fun Fact: i'm a taco!!!!!'
- Title: 'Funk master'
- Title: 'Fur Brained Idiot'
- Title: 'Fuzzy Fluffball'
- Title: 'Gabapentin'
- Title: 'Geeky Bugbear'
- Title: 'Geomancer'
- Title: 'Ghostbuster'
- Title: 'Glorious Red Leader'
- Title: 'Gnarled and Horny'
- Title: 'Goatbuster'
- Title: 'God of Chaos'
- Title: 'God of Dread'
- Title: 'God of War'
- Title: 'God Slayer'
- Title: 'GODKING'
- Title: 'Gold Star Family Member'
- Title: 'Gorgon minion'
- Title: 'Gorgon's Omen'
- Title: 'Grand Huntress of Eltibule'
- Title: 'Gravity Sage'
- Title: 'Great Hart'
- Title: 'Grind Master'
- Title: 'Grinding & Hoarding'
- Title: 'Guiding Light'
- Title: 'Gwynbleidd'
- Title: 'Harbinger of the End'
- Title: 'Haven't The Foggiest'
- Title: 'Heartstopper'
- Title: 'Heavy Breather'
- Title: 'Here and Queer'
- Title: 'Hermit'
- Title: 'Hero Extraordinaire'
- Title: 'Hero of Ravencroft'
- Title: 'High Librarian'
- Title: 'Highlander'
- Title: 'Hippocratic'
- Title: 'Holy Warrior'
- Title: 'Hot Hands'
- Title: 'Hyperborean'
- Title: 'I Didn't Choose This Title'
- Title: 'I have the Ursula Curse'
- Title: 'I Know Bun-Fu'
- Title: 'I Will Eat Your Face'
- Title: 'I'll Hate You Better'
- Title: 'I'll Only Slow You Down'
- Title: 'I've got a jar of dirt!'
- Title: 'If sleep is for the weak then I am weak'
- Title: 'Immortal Invincible Grand Master of Unstoppable Bushido'
- Title: 'Imperator'
- Title: 'Impressive Gamer'
- Title: 'Insane Ghost'
- Title: 'Insane'
- Title: 'Intangible'
- Title: 'Intransigent'
- Title: 'It's all in the Reflexes'
- Title: 'It's Me'
- Title: 'Jack of All Trades'
- Title: 'Jam Master'
- Title: 'Janky Leg'
- Title: 'Johnny Appleseed'
- Title: 'Jollyberry'
- Title: 'Just So Tired'
- Title: 'Keep on Keeping on'
- Title: 'Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge'
- Title: 'Keeper of the Black Dog'