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Casino Excursion: Wolf Caves

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The first major success *and* failure of our Teleportation Technology department came two years ago when we reached a warm cave complex beneath [[Kur]]. Kur has always been a land of mystery to us, for it is too cold to support true life -- [[mantis]] life. But this cave was warmer! And so we sent in two squads of servant mantises to subdue the caves. Instead... they took up residence among the other creatures. They rebelled! This was a huge setback to teleportation magic, and even today I dare not send more mantises into that cave. But you and your friends will not be tricked by whatever wonders lie in there! You can complete the original mission from years ago! I have bribed the teleportation technician to send you there, so long as you ask quickly.
<i>[A group of 3+ level 40+ players is recommended.]</i>

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