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Guild:Alharth Rebels

38 bytes added, 21 April
Our History
|caption = A merry band of warriors out to have a good time
|guildtype = Social
|guildlevel = 1719
|age = 12/23/2018
|comms = Discord
|officers = Maeglin, Tabor, Papersky& The Council
|status = Active
The Rebels got their name when a small group of people left the Council lands to strike out on their own. For that they were branded Rebels by the Council and such was their demeanor that they decided to embrace the name and started to refer to themselves as the Alharth Rebels Kingdom.
During the trying times of the Sand Wars it was evident that the safety of the Alharth Rebels was intertwined with the Council and their struggles, therefore an alliance was formed between them. The Since then the Rebels then became a fiercely loyal ally of the Council.
== Organization ==
lagitha - Queen
Maeglin - Grand Duke
WheezeDegamer - Grand Duke

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