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1,331 bytes added, 04:23, 21 February 2023
Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|[view/edit]]]
{{NPC infobox
|title = Jaw
|image = [[File:MyconianNPC.png|300px]]
|caption =
|zone = [[Serbule|dungeon = Myconian Cave]]
|location = Go left after entering.
|anatomy = Fungoid
|species = Myconian
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = All|skilltrainer = [[Alchemy]], [[Mycology |vendor =]]
Hello meatling. I am Jaw, keeper of this storage room.
'''[[Jaw''' ]] is a [[Myconian]] located in the [[Myconian Cave]]. Jaw is having a hard time adjusting to the concept of personal ownership.  You need 10 levels of [[Myconic]] to be able to talk to them.
: Go left after entering.
==Small Talk==* Loves Plants * Loves Raw Vegetables [[{{Hint|Onion & Cabbagemsg: +1; Beet & Squash +3; Broccoli +4; Carrot +5BASEPAGENAME}} * Likes Brass Items /Small_talk|<span style==Quests"font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]==* '''Greta Must Die''' {{: Kill Greta (a large Garden Tender). {{Hint|Rewardmsg: 50 Favor, 5 Myconian Jelly, 1,000 CouncilsBASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}}* '''Cross-Pollination''' [Comfortable[Category:Favor/Small Talk]] : Deliver Backup Sporelings to Yoy.
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Jaw
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap; " | [[Mycology]]: ''! Unlock! Skill Level! Cost! Favor{{NPC training row |ability=Spore Bomb 3 |recipe=Deadly Spore Bombs |skilllevel= 25 |cost=2994 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability=Spore Bomb 4/ |recipe=Malevolent Spore Bomb '' Bombs |skilllevel= 35 |cost=5438 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row: '' |ability=Spore Bomb 5/ |recipe=Horrific Spore Bombs |skilllevel= 45 |cost=8494 |favor=Close Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability=Spore Bomb '' 6 |recipe=Disastrous Spore Bombs: '' |skilllevel= 60 |cost=13911 |favor=Best Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability=Spore Bomb 7 |recipe=Nightmarish Spore Bombs |skilllevel=75 |cost=23772 |favor=Like Family}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Blood Mushroom Smoothie'', '' |skilllevel=30 |cost=1800 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Coral Mushroom Smoothie'' |skilllevel=40 |cost=3133 |favor=Friends}}|}:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Alchemy]]! Unlock! Skill Level! Cost! Favor{{NPC training row |recipe=Aiming Potion |skilllevel=19 |cost=1100 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Persona Reducer Potion |skilllevel=25 |cost=1633 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Persona Minimizer Potion |skilllevel= 35 |cost= 2966 |favor=Close Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Acid Resist Potion |skilllevel= 25 |cost= 1633 |favor=Close Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe=Acid Shield Potion |skilllevel=30 |cost=1800 |favor=Best Friends}}|}
; [[Alchemy]]== Events ==: ''Aiming Potion'' at ===== Winter Celebration ====={{HOLIDAY|RiShin Friends= {{Item|Strange Dirt}} x3|RiShin Family = Gem x3: ''Persona Reducer Potion'' at Friends, ''Persona Minimizer Potion'' at Close Friends}}: ''Acid Resist Potion'' at Close Friends, ''Acid Shield Potion'' == Conversations ==
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Myconian Cave NPCs]][[Category:Fungoid]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]

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