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Stringed Instruments

2,184 bytes added, 13:29, 15 December 2023
{{Skill infobox
|title = Stringed Instruments
|image = [[File:Empty_Placeholder.png]]
|caption = Skill in performing with stringed instruments such as harps, lutes, and guitars.
|skilltype = Other Skill
|maxlevel = 20
|req = N/A
|skilltrainers = N/A
Skills Skill in performing with stringed instruments such as harps, lutes, and guitars.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
[[Stringed Instruments]] is one of three musical instrument Sub-skills of [[Performance]].
=== In-Game Description ===
Skill in performing with stringed instruments such as harps, lutes, and guitars.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* [[Stringed Instruments]] is unlocked when an instrument associated with the skill that has a Level requirement of 0 is equipped
* {{Item|Classic Lute}} unlocks the skill at Level 0.
* {{Item|Harp}} unlocks Level 11-20 abilities.
== Connected Skills ==
===== Sub-Skills: =====
* None
===== Secondary Skills: =====
* [[Performance]] - Performance is the parent skill of [[Stringed Instruments]].
===== Related Skills: =====
* [[Percussion Instruments]] - Skill in performing with percussion instruments such as drums, bells, and dulcimers.
* [[Wind Instruments]] - Skill in performing with brass and woodwind instruments such as trumpets, ocarinas, and flutes.
* [[Interpretive Dance]] - Skill in dancing to music in a way that entertains or moves others.
===== Synergy Levels: =====
There are no Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Stringed Instruments]].
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Abilities}}==Learning{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==To learn === Music ===Playing music grants buffs which can boost combat experience gained, out-of-combat armor regeneration, and sometimes other effects if a group of players gathers.=== Gardening ===Playing music while [[Gardening]] can increase the chances for a larger crop harvest.=== Finding Instruments ===* {{Item|Classic Lute}} - Purchased from [[Marna]].* {{Item|Harp}} - Found as a drop from Bosses in [[Kur Tower]] and [[Necromancer's Courtyard]].===Equipment===<dpl> category = Items/TeacherInstrument notcategory = Items/Ocarina notcategory = Items/Tuba notcategory = Items/Dulcimer notcategory = Items/FairyChime notcategory = Items/Drum reset = categories columns = 3 mode = userformat format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},, allowcachedresults=true</dpl>{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}== Stringed Instruments skill all you need Experience Table =={{Spoiler|Click Expand to do is find an instrument that fits your level requirements. (Some have no requirements at all!)view the Experience Table for Stringed Instruments|{{:Xptables/PerformanceSkill}}}}==LevelingTrivia ==To level the * [[Stringed Instruments skill all you need to do is play a stringed instrument]] was the first of the Performance skills.
==Instruments=={| {{STDT}}|- style="text-align[[Category:left;background: #ec81bf;"! Instrument !! style="width:30%;"|Levels !! ||-|Lute||1-10 |||-|Harp ||10-20 ||Skills]]