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Plant Anatomy

47 bytes added, 13:52, 15 December 2023
__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Plant Anatomy|image = [[File:Empty_Placeholder.png]]|caption = Knowledge of the physiology of monstrous plants.|skilltype = Anatomy Skill|maxlevel = 50 <!--List without bonus levels --> This is a "creature type" page (corresponding to an |req = Anatomy sub<!--skill) Any other skills needed to keep track of creatures for which we may or may not add individual pages later. It may also be a useful resource for players wanting to raise the anatomy sub-gain this skill.-->This page is about ''monstrous plants''.|skilltrainers = None}}{{Quote|source=Source|Needs a quote}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview=='''Plant Anatomy''' (is a sub-skill of [[Anatomy]]) knowledge is gained by using that explores the [[Anatomy#Autopsy Kit|Autopsy Kit]] on creatures physiology of this typemonstrous plants.=== In-Game Description ===Knowledge of the physiology of monstrous plants.
==Known Creatures==
<!--Gorgonzola: Adding a manual list since we don't have all the individual pages to categorize yet. The idea is to make kind of a to do list for whenever we are ready to add individual creature articles (best done once we DPL lists creatures which already have a good idea of the structure to use page and templates are improved, lest we will have to do lots of edits)categorized.--><dpl> category = Plant</dpl>
It's not yet 100% clear how {{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Experience Table =={{Spoiler|Click Expand to structure these pages, but they may be useful view the Experience Table for chasing and completion of Anatomy sub-skills.{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}|{{:Xptables/CorpseActionSkill}}-->}}* [[Biting VineCategory:Skills]][[Category:Anatomy Skills]] <!-- Sun Vale -->